View Full Version : Head sway??

18-04-13, 13:08
Does anyone get head sways?
Inside my head does a sway for a few seconds and i feel weird and panicky at the time and for a minute afterwards.
I am waiting for a brain mri scan and an appointment with a neurologist and worried about ms.

18-04-13, 19:28
Zippy I get this quite regularly and stretching back a good number of years. I think it was this that started me off on the anxiety road. I had an MRI which I went private for as these head sway moments triggered a load of other symptoms which had me convinced I had MS and even my GP suggested investigations along those lines. Of course it all came back clear and whilst I have got most of the other symptoms ( tingling, head pressure, nausea, light headedness, palpitations, numbness etc) under control for 99% of the time I still do get these few seconds of suddenly feeling I'm tipping upside down from time to time. I can go months with nothing at all and then suddenly I have a few weeks where it happens quite regularly. It's never been fully explained other than possible mild BPV, a sort if vertigo where crystals in the ear become dislodged. I know exactly what you mean about the weird and panicky feelings because even after all this time I still feel that and have to calm myself down and get on with things. These episodes never last longer than a few seconds but do make me feel out of sorts for a while. Interestingly it never happens while I'm stood up, only if I'm sitting down or in bed.
I hope your MRI turns out the same as mine. It's a nuisance when this happens but I've learned to live with it when it happens and after 15 years I've never come to any harm ( physically anyway!)


18-04-13, 20:06
Thanks Darbysa.
I am waiting to see a neurologist because i had a brain ct scan and my gp phoned and said there were shadows on it and i needed an mri and to see a neurologist and that it wasnt cancer and i hadnt had a stroke.
So i am worried because of all these symptoms and wondering what these shadows are.