View Full Version : Hello from Caroline

18-04-13, 17:38
I have read a lot on this site , so thought I had better say Hello. I had an episode of severe depression 18 months ago, and recovered, but I fear I am on a downward slope again.
My business is failing - capitulating at last to the never ending recession and the stress and sense of failure is like a hammer inside my head beating everly last drop of self confidence out of me. Last time I managed to pick myself and the business up and keep going, with the help of SSRIs, but I am not sure this time, if perhaps I should let it go and preserve my sanity.

I would like to hear from anyone else who has been in my situation, and find out how they managed.

18-04-13, 18:43
Hi :welcome:

18-04-13, 19:15
Hi Caroline,

A big welcome to the site! I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I'm sure you'll find lots of support and advice on here, it's a great little community!

Wishing you the Best

Vanilla Sky
18-04-13, 20:59
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

19-04-13, 05:44
Hi Carloule,
sorry to hear your story. But glad you have gotten past it in the past, so I think you can do it again... What SSRI's were you taking last time? I'm Prozac now, day 30, I hope it's keeping from losing my mind, rather than the opposite.

I guess I've noticed there are different forum areas, which focus on different medications which is helpful. I had a quick look and found this forum, to do with depression, from anxiety. Perhaps it would be good to post something similar in there, for people trying to conquer it without medication.


19-04-13, 16:16
Hi Carloule

Welcome to the site. We are in very difficult times and many businesses are suffering the consequences of this deep world wide recession. What ever you do, do not regard yourself as a failure. By having a business in the first place you have proved yourself and contributed to society, that in its self deserves a pat on the back.

You have already demonstrated your strength by picking up when you and the business were down last time. So you know you can do it. If the business is beyond saving, just take a step back recharge the batteries and strike out again. The economy needs people like you.

I have had to make people redundant on a number of occasions in my business life because of the economic downturns. These were the most uncomfortable times in my life knowing that it would affect families and their lives. It use to get me down. What kept me going, was however unfortunate the redundancies were these actions safeguarded the jobs of others. It was a very difficult trade off but had to be done.

So just remember it is better to try and fail than sit back and do nothing. You have the ability and you know it. We all get battle scars but the strength is to say it will not beat me. Your low esteem is a natural thing and is only temporary. You will rise again and tackle the world head on. It is what you do.

Best wishes and good luck.


22-04-13, 15:18
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.