View Full Version : Worried about several things :-(

18-04-13, 18:58
I've had 2 weird spots in my mouth since September I've had blood tests in December and a Panendoscopy last week and stuff and I've seen the doctor and dentist about them but they think they can't really see anything but they are kind of bubble spots with red around them and I'm worried they might be cancerous.

I'm 33 don't drink gave up smoking 11 years ago etc.

I know my throat is ok but with my having a lot of headaches and sickness lately and feeling dizzy I'm worried about a brain tumour and mouth cancer :wacko::lac::weep:

18-04-13, 21:25

If the doctor and dentist can't see them then I wouldn't worry.

If you have had them since September and there has been no change in them then I'm sure they are nothing sinister.

My mum's friend had oral cancer and in the space of six months the sores in her mouth got so bad she couldn't eat or chew on one side.Her whole face was swollen on her cheek and underneath her jaw and it was really obvious something was wrong.

If you are still concerned go back and tell your doctor your concern but honestly if the dentist and doctor aren't worried then you shouldn't be, they are trained to look for these things. The other thing is my mums friends blood tests were all over the place so if your bloods are clear as well I think you can relax.

18-04-13, 22:45
Agree with Munchlet. If there's been no change I would've thought it's fine x