View Full Version : Any advice on how to not break down and cry?

18-04-13, 19:09
My anxiety's been really bad these last few months, and I've felt very weepy pretty much all the time. When I'm at home I can cope and distract myself, but tomorrow's my last day at work. I was in the office on my own today, but a couple of leaving cards and phone calls and I can feel myself fighting back the tears. I find it very difficult to talk when I'm like this, and it's obvious I'm on the verge of crying.

When I go into the office tomorrow, I'm worried I'm going to get upset and cry pretty much all day. I know it's going to be emotional as I've been with the company for 15 years, but does anyone have any tips on how to make it easier?

18-04-13, 20:06
Maybe you could try and cry it all out tonight? Then really gear yourself up with positivity in the morning :D

18-04-13, 20:10
I've been in a similar situation - I was made redundant from my previous employer 3 years ago, after having worked there (in various departments) for nearly 5 years.

I tend to cry easily too, but I managed to stop myself from doing so. My manager presented me with my leaving gift/card on a one to one basis, as he knew I might be too nervous to do a presentation in front of the whole department or that I might get upset.

Have you been able to find a new job? What made it easier for me was that I had already received a job offer from another company, doing my dream job. On my last day with the old company, I kept reminding myself that I would be moving to a better job, which would be more in line with my qualifications and that I would probably enjoy myself more. And this has been the case - overall I've enjoyed my time with my current employer a lot more than with the previous one.

If you haven't found a new job yet, then I'm sure something will come along soon. It may even be better than your current job, so try not to be too disheartened.

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ----------

Pancho's post came up just as I pressed submit - I too sometimes cry out all my distress the day before a stressful event is due to take place. For example, I did that a few years ago when I was nervous about being told the outcome of an internal job interview - I cried the evening before the announcement, just in case I was refused the new job and I didn't want to burst into tears in front of the manager! I was offered the job in any case, but I think it helped that I was emotionally prepared.

Soon to be happy
18-04-13, 20:52
Thank you for posting this, I cry at almost anything! If my boss calls me into her office I start getting worried and have to fight back tears. I was ill one day and had to go to tell her I was feeling sick, she was so nice to me that I started to cry! It was very embarrassing. I find that planning what you're going to say and how you could possibly react to a situation helps. I know it's difficult but if you try to be as prepared as you can be for every eventuality then there'll be less to trip you up! Hope tomorrow goes as well as poss x

18-04-13, 21:59
Thanks guys!
I did wonder about trying to cry it out tonight - but the last time I did that, the next morning Mum looked at me and said, oh you're eyes look all puffy!
Sadly I haven't got a job to go to. I had the possibility of something, but the company's being rubbish at letting me know the specifics of the job, and if indeed they're actually offering it to me (the position came about through a friend). I'm now in a quandary and don't know what I want to do.
But I'll take 'soon to be happy's' advice and try and prepare for every eventuality!
S x