View Full Version : I put baking powder on my face, scared

18-04-13, 19:23
So recently i have been really anxious so that has caused my skin to break out so i don't want to go anywhere because i'm scared of what people think of my spots and will laugh

so in an attempt to rectify this i googled quick fixes and baking soda came up.. i got confused between baking soda and baking powder and apparently baking powder is more dangerous to put on your skin and contains aluminium and i'm now in a state of panic that i'm going to have an allergic reaction or something

please help!!!


18-04-13, 19:24
If you have washed it off then you will be fine.

Think about cooks who use baking soda all the time

18-04-13, 19:32
thanks for your speedy reply :)

baking soda is apparently the one that you're meant to use on your face, not baking powder because baking powder contains other chemicals but soda is just sodium bicarbonate :(

18-04-13, 19:48
Hi there,

Nic's right - as long as it's washed off, you'll be fine. Baking powder should be the same as bicarbonate of soda (easily confused with baking soda). My dad used to make me drink it in water when I had a upset stomach so I'm sure you'll be fine with it on your skin.

Pip x

18-04-13, 21:00
Yeah sorry I meant baking powder

18-04-13, 21:04
You'll be fine. Presumably you eat the stuff (I find it hard to imagine anyone who doesn't eat cake). I had to go and check the ingredients in mine, and there is definitely no aluminium.