View Full Version : GP appointment tomorrow

18-04-13, 22:49
So, have appointment tomorrow with GP about my breast lump. Am very scared and apprehensive.

18-04-13, 22:53
I have a GP appointment tomorrow about my leaky breast. Let's think of one another and check in when we're done. Best of luck to you, I have so many friends who have been sent for scans for breast lumps and every single one of them has come back fine x

19-04-13, 00:32
My mum had to have tests because of a dark mass in her breast, but it turned out that she just has "dense" breasts! lol I always thought that was a weird way to put it! I still tease my mum about that sometimes ... I guess maybe I have dense boobs too, then? lol

Anyway, just wanted to say good luck to both of you. Try to remember that things will not get any worse between now and when you meet with your doctor, so there is no reason to worry or panic. Maybe do something fun or relaxing so that you don't think about it so much?

I know I was super worried about my mum when she was having tests done, and I am a worrier in general, so I know how hard it is to relax, but I know YOU can do it :)

Will be thinking of and praying for you ladies <3

19-04-13, 00:35
It's amazing how strong we can be when facing tough times like this.

Will be thinking of you both tomorrow xx

19-04-13, 15:00
Hi all,

Saw GP this morning. He thinks the lump is swelling from the massive bruise I had on my breast. I have to go back in a week to be checked over again once the bruise has finally gone and if the lump's still there he's going to refer me for a scan to have it investigated. So, am still but scared really.

19-04-13, 15:30
Well, at least he seems to think it's nothing serious. I am off in 20 mins for my appointment, nervous but also know I won't get answers today x

19-04-13, 16:23
Good luck Cattia. Let me know how you get on x

19-04-13, 18:46
Hi Apple

I understand you are still anxious about this and I know I would be exactly the same but I think you should be reassured by your doctor. A friend of mine at work his daughter was involved in a car accident and the seat belt pressed into her breast. She had a lump come up with the bruising and they told her the same thing but she was still worried and they sent her for a scan and it was just bruised tissue.

I don't know about you but I've had some bruises with lumps in them that have taken quite a while to go down and it does seem a bit coincidental that it has occurred at the same time as the bruising.

Try not to worry I'm sure you will notice it getting smaller as the inflammation heals.

Take care x

19-04-13, 19:16

Am trying to be. It was a horrendous bruise (which is now fading - pale yellow in most places but still purple at the top. And under my breast) but the lump is very firm and the doctor said it wasn't mobile. Although, he did think it was swelling. Am just still do scared. Trying not to be but I keep imagining the worst :(

19-04-13, 19:34
Apple, I know how hard it is to let these things go, but the chances of you having a sinister lump where you already have a bruise are very slim, it would have to be a massive coincidence.

My appointment was ok. The Dr did a full breast exam and said it was totally normal. I know that sometimes you can produce milk because of a pituitary tumour but she said this was highly unlikely and that there was no point in testing my prolactin levels as they will be high anyway because I have breastfed in the past year and can still produce a little milk. She basically was saying it's not worth investing further. So I have go try to trust her opinion and not obsess about a pituitary tomour. I know it's unlikely but I'm still not 100% reassured.

19-04-13, 19:40
I know what you mean. I'm having a hard time believing what my doctor said. I think it's cause the lump's quite far in and isn't very close to the skin. But the bruise was horrible.

How are you feeling?

20-04-13, 09:42
Am now bit worried that I didn't point out the 'right' lump when I saw my doctor. I was sure the one I found was mobile, so think I may have directed him towards the tissue on my chest wall instead. Gah! Am such a mess.

20-04-13, 12:46
Did your doctor do an examination of the whole breast? I am pretty sure he would have felt if there was anything else there.

20-04-13, 15:21
No - he just felt where I directed him to. It was the GP who sent me for a scan last year and he didn't examine the whole breast then either.

20-04-13, 20:39
When you go back next week, just ask for a complete breast exam. The doctor I saw did both breasts yesterday and it took two minutes and she said it was totally normal. I am not saying this because I think you have anything to worry about at all, just for your own peace of mind.

20-04-13, 23:13
Think I will. Have an appt for Friday but might try and get in before then. Bruise looks much better - nearly gone (after 2 weeks) - but lump defo still there.