View Full Version : anxiety in my relationship

19-04-13, 01:24
I'm 20 years old and I've been with my boyfriend about 6 and a half months now, it's going really well - I've told him about my anxiety and although he doesn't really understand he's very supportive, has increased my self-confidence a million times over and is always there for me. however my anxiety is wreaking havoc recently!
I am plagued with thoughts that even though I really love him, he's not the one for me - eventually it's going to end. I even got to the point today where I was nearly 100% sure I wanted to break up with him, but a couple hours later I was back to being in love and feeling totally stupid about it all. I always feel such guilt after these episodes because he has no idea and he really doesn't deserve anything like this.

I really can't tell if this is my brain trying to tell me that I should break up with him or if these are just negative thoughts coming from my anxiety. I can see positives and negatives of breaking up with him but when I think about doing it it just breaks my heart. I talk to him every day without fail and it gives me a lot of strength, but I still have a nagging feeling that something isn't right.

need advice please :(