View Full Version : Top of head is throbbing

19-04-13, 01:58
The top of my head is throbbing now :( how can this be stress related too.. lol
surely everything stress related won't just come from the head!
I have an eye test tomorrow and i'm quite anxious about that.. how much of inside the head, or head pressure can they see? and will they be able to see anything that's wrong inside my head?

20-04-13, 01:07
Went to the opticians today and they said my eyes are completely fine, and behind the eyes look good aswell.
My doctor said go to the opticians so they can check pressure ect, but when I asked at the opticians (I did explain why I have come due to my headaches) they said there was no need to.
So I don't know what the hell to do now, get an MRI scan?