View Full Version : Just when you think it's all over ......

22-09-06, 09:49
it boots you in the but as hard as it can!!!!!!

Thought i was doing really well after my op, have been a little anxious but yesterday and today it keeps coming over me in waves, i feel sick and cant stop burping, shakes, burning feeling, cold shivers and feel really spaced out, i'm suppossed to be going to Nottingham (on my own) either tonight or tmrw morn, i dont know if that is whats bothering me as the last time i drove up there i was really anxious and even worse on the way back. I JUST WISH IT WOULD GO AWAY!!!!!. i thought it might have been because i started back at work yesterday after having 3 weeks off. i dont know, if only life was simple!!!

Thanks for listening

Liz xx

23-09-06, 00:31
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time right now!!
Sending ((((HUGS)))) your way.
Hope you feel better soon :)

23-09-06, 11:10
Hope you feel better soon!!!

Love Matilda

23-09-06, 19:24

I hope things get better for you soon. Hang in there. Just know that you are not alone and if you need to chat I am here for ya.

Be The Change You Want To See In The World...

Take Care of You,


23-09-06, 19:29
Keep your chin up Liz! Hope you're feeling better today.

23-09-06, 20:00
hope it feels better today

hope you did what was right for you
