View Full Version : Self esteem is destroying my life

19-04-13, 04:47
I was just wondering does anyone know how I can get through life with low self esteem? I'm so over it, I'm always tired, most days I can't seem to get motivated, I feel so empty inside, alone, sad, I'm so fed up with not being able to go out, and do things cause I feel so ugly and fat I'm afraid of people looking at me I know that sounds crazy. My partner works 70 hours, 6 days a week I don't get to see him much and when I don't hear from him I start feeling really anxious, I start thinking negative things and when I do finally hear from him, I'm so upset I start saying mean and cruel things I really don't mean it, I'm always starting an argument :weep:

I'm not sure what is real anymore, my head is always playing games, I'm so tired of it, its destroying my relationship and my life

19-04-13, 09:52
I found this very helpful. Work through all the modules http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=47

21-04-13, 02:17
Thank you Annie :)

21-04-13, 07:21
I found this very helpful. Work through all the modules http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=47

Fantastic link there Annie, thanks, I think it will help me to read and work through this as well, low self esteem seems to go hand in hand with anxiety.:)