View Full Version : does anyone get bad nausea with anxiety?

19-04-13, 06:07
As I've posted before I've been coming off of some tablets for the last two and a half weeks and have been suffering various side effects from withdrawal but also bad anxiety. I have found that when I eat I feel sick and start gagging and have to fight to eat my meal. I know this can be a side effect from the drug withdrawal as quite a few people have experienced this, even though my psych says there is no withdrawal from the drug, but I'm not sure if this is the case for me or if it's my anxiety.
Does anyone ever get this symptom with anxiety?

19-04-13, 09:53
I get this symptom all the time with anxiety.

20-04-13, 02:42
thanks annie

08-06-13, 16:34
I have had this retching & gagging condition for 50 years. Growing up was a nightmare with school, vacations, and special events. The worst was eating out and dentist trips. Dating was also a problem. I went to doctors, psychiatrists, biofeedback, and specialists. NOTHING helped. I barely made it through college, but with mediocre grades. I don't know how I've kept a job this long. My parents even forced me to do things that made me miserable. Finally, my spouse and my mom won't force me to do things I cannot do. Since I've reduced my life to things that don't stress me & induce the gagging, I'm so much happier. My newest doctor prescribed a strong antihistamine called cyproheptadine that works wonders. It makes me a little sleepy, but really suppresses the gag reflex so I can go to important things like doctor appointments and events I couldn't go to before. It even improves my mood. I call it my 'happy pill'. I also found a few foods that make it worse, so avoiding those helps a lot. I may not get to do everything I'd like to do, but my life is so much better.