View Full Version : out like a light slept like a log.

19-04-13, 10:03
Jesu..ill have to get the name of the new meds im on today..but i had it yesterday 12pm for a trial run in the center..and was tired all day and all night heavy..felt sedated and a bit numb..but the tirednes was so heavy i went to bed just after 10 pm i could have went earlyer if i didnt have a noesy house..anyway i got into bed took my 100 mg of trazadone..and dont remember a thing..i dodnt wake untill 5.30 this morning and that was only because my sisters sons alarm going off from 5am..
My sister asked me this morning if i heard there noise last night after i went to bed..i said no..she said she droped a plate and it smashed she said the doors were being banged all night....I heard nothing...i feel lighter today in myself....so my new meds i took yesterday that was pulling me down all day..will be taken at night..so god knows how much sleep its going to give me tonight when i take for the first time before bed....im in my travel lodge tonight and am looking forward to a peicful evening and a hot bath and take my meds and have a good evening meal out...if i get as much sleep as my body needs..ill be a sleep for hrs and hrs..fingers crossed.

19-04-13, 12:44
Greg I can't tell you how pleased I am that things are starting to work out for you at long last. Once you catch up on your sleep you will be able to think clearer and cope with all the other things better. Enjoy your stay at the Travel lodge tonight :)

19-04-13, 13:48
Thanks Annie..its like a little adventure tonight..a bit of luxure for once...how have you been keeping yourself..

19-04-13, 14:17
Hi Greg,

Brilliant news! What's your new med called?
They did say you can take it with your trazadone didn't they?

Bet your excited about your adventure tonight, be careful Greg if your having a beer?
Then another night away on Sat at your mum's place,that's like a hotel room as well.

Take care xx

19-04-13, 14:46
Great to hear it - I always feel better the dasy after I give in and take a Zopiclone for a really solid night's sleep, and my sleep problems are nothing like yours. So pleased for you.

19-04-13, 15:35
Well ..yes its a little adventure for me tonight...and the medication im on is olanzapine 5mg....its only 1 i had yesterday in the day and you read the results..so tonight on the full 5 and my upped trazadone from 50mg to 100mg..and Clio it will only be 1 bottle of cider..thats just one pint..tonight and the same tomorow..so im sure ill be ok....So another heavy night sleep tonight and tomorow would be greeeeeeeat.

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:32 ----------

Thanks James..i had those Zopiclone for many weeks before...but now if im strugling,uptill i was taking this new med...I would take a 20 mg tamazapam..worked brilliant..
I just hope this sedated efect lasts on these drugs..i really do..because trazadone used to do this.and then it just stoped and i was back not sleeping again...so fingers are really crossed

19-04-13, 16:32
I have slept a bit better the last 2 nights. I still woke a few times but at least I got to sleep again. Makes the day so much better when you can get some sleep on a night. Enjoy the weekend Greg :hugs:

19-04-13, 16:46
Good to hear Annie...hope you get more sleep yourself..I hope you have a good weekend to..take care:hugs:

19-04-13, 16:55
Thanks Greg :)

19-04-13, 16:59

I was only asking because I didn't want you to over sedated yourself hope you wasn't offended.

My psych was going to give me olanzapine the next drug as an add on 2.5mg think she was giving them me for sleep,but that got bit better so will pass on it for now.

Chill out tonight and make the most of the peace and quite.:yahoo: what time you checking in.

19-04-13, 18:02
Not ofended ata all...Well that drug at 2.5 will certainly put you to sleep...But ! Saying that there is another guy on the 5mg dose in the daytime for anxiety and says he only feels slightly drowsy on it !!! ..so why ohh why for me it hit me hard with tiredness at 12 pm and continued all night and through the night..who knows..it may be it relaxed me sooo much that my body became sedated..plus im taking a higher amount of trazadone liquid form which is quicker to work..so maybe between the two i was out like a light....well im on the bus now with my suiet case and a few munches .and im going out for a meal for 1 then back to my hotel room for that hot soke in the bath..tv munches and bed..cant wait....i cant believe i said that !! ( i cant wait ) some joy at last....even on a loney night by myself....well i hope im still posting possitive in the weeks coming..i like this feeling of having some life back..

19-04-13, 18:50

So happy for you Greg, you really deserve it.

19-04-13, 19:29
Greg - so glad to hear that things are looking up and that you are getting some sleep! Enjoy tonight you deserve it!

Karen x

19-04-13, 19:41
Thanks again guys...im relaxing right now...ahhh..

19-04-13, 20:36
Enjoy :D :hugs:

20-04-13, 07:04
Well had a great time at my hotel.But my sleep wasnt as i hoped..:huh:...bed at 10.45..awake at 11.15..felll to sleep around 11.30 ish..woke for no reason at 2.30 am ...lay awake for a while before falling back..then awake at 6pm.......could be i heard doors shutting in the corridor plus the bed was a bit hard and not very comftable....
Funny thing is...i took my new meds at bedtime...and when i woke early and now..i dont feel tired...and yet when i took it at 12pm the other day.. i was heavy tired all afternoon and evening and couldnt stay awake..and went to bed early and slept heavy and solid...so i dont understand whats changed...

20-04-13, 08:40
Hi Greg, don't be disheartened. You may need to jiggle the time you take the meds about. Overall they will help with getting a better sleep pattern and also in stabilising your mood.
Recovery is always a bit of a wobbly journey but you are heading in the right direction.
You are doing all the right things by relaxing, finding small pleasurable things to do in our day. Keep going, everyone is routing for you! X

20-04-13, 20:19
Sorry your sleep didn't go as well as hoped for but pleased you enjoyed the stay at the hotel. Maybe tonight at your parents will be better, fingers crossed for a good nights sleep :hugs:

20-04-13, 22:13
Yeea ..im sure guys..im not to botheted at the mo about it..im feeling supprizingly possitive latly..i think the rise in traz and new med might be working..i havnt thought or dwelled to much about my life or loss of my family..very odd...im getting use to my own company to..so fingers crossed...good nogjts sleep obiously helps in a big way....how u been Annie

20-04-13, 22:16
I have had a great day even though I had broken sleep again last night. We had a day out in York and I coped really well :) Things seem to be getting better for me :) Pleased that you are feeling more positive Greg :)

21-04-13, 07:27
Wow Greg, what a turn around. Seeing the positive things in life and not dwelling on what has happened in the past is a massive step forward. Time to take care of you and live life to the full. Go for it!

21-04-13, 14:32
Thanks.bobbly..Im hoping this train keeps going..saying that last couple of nights my sleep hasnt been that good..but still remain slightly possitive..iv come into my day care unit today..sun..and had a pritty good day..the only guy and 5 girls so felt good and we all done group bakeinh..good fun