View Full Version : Heavy head, dizzy, feeling not with it.

19-04-13, 10:25

its been 2 and half weeks now that i have had these symptoms and im starting to get really paranoid with them, i went to the doctor just over a week ago and she did some neurological test on me and checked blood pressure etc and said it was all fine. but everyday i wake up with this foggy head and pressure in and around my eyes and nose area. the dizziness never makes me feel im going to fall over but does make me feel uneasy and weak and then panicky also. my neck feels tight and cracks sometimes when i stretch it or rotate it, my back also tight and i can feel the muscles crack when stretch that also. i feel like im shaky on the inside but not shaking on the outside and i feel sometimes that my heart should be beating fast, but i take my pulse and its normal. my main worry ins the light-headedness and feeling of heavy head and the fact i have had it for over two weeks now.

can anyone relate or offer any advice or support please?

Mr m anxious
19-04-13, 10:52
Yes I can, not had heavy head but had lightheadiness and my neck has ached on and off for three months, about the same length of time I've had ha, don't worry though the first things to suffer from stress are head, neck and shoulders.

19-04-13, 11:04
thank you, i don't know if its sinus problem or anxiety or something worse! i have just had to take a lorazepam as i started getting really worked up and couldnt catch a deep breath and then thought i had heart problmes! christ im all over the place