View Full Version : tingling in hand/ need support please

19-04-13, 12:00
Let me start by saying that I am really worried that I might have MS and little things seem to grow so much bigger in my mind. I did some yard work on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week with a lawnmower and a weedeater. I noticed that my hands were tingling afterwards until I went to bed that night. When I got up yesterday my right hand felt fine, but the left still hand a few patches of tingling in it. Last night I noticed that the left hand was still feeling tingly. I asked my husband and he said I probably just gripped it to hard. I am thinking logically and I doubt if it were a symptom of MS that the right hand would just stop, but I just don't understand why the left hand is still tingling. Any ideas?

19-04-13, 12:10
hi, when you operate a machine like lawnmower or weedwhacker, your hands tend to have different functions, one to controls the machines moment and one to keep it going! but even thought they are doing different things they are both still getting the vibrations through them, so i would say that one hand might of been stuck in a different position to the other which has caused the difference in recovery time.

19-04-13, 12:36
Sounds like nerve irratation. When ever I sit funny, or get tight muscles which I belive might be compressing certain nerves I often get tingling in my hands, I find stretching and changing positions helps.
As you said you were doing yard work, so it seems highly possiable that it was the cause.

02-08-13, 18:58
I'm worried about this I've been drs today because last night I had tingling feeling in the left side of my face and my hand/arm because I'm a hairdresser he thinks I could have pulled a muscle on my neck but I'm still worried :( xx

02-08-13, 19:38
I've experienced the tingling in my hands and my legs and my feet. It all lead back to anxiety for me. The more I obsessed about it the more I thought I felt it and the worse it got. I'm sure it's not or something simple. Don't stress too much about it...easier said than done I know!!:)