View Full Version : Nausea and neck pain

19-04-13, 12:24
I'm worried about the symptoms I have, It feels like im coming down with something but ive gone from feeling absolutely fine on weds (apart from my standard chest pains) to suddenly feeling terrible yesterday and today. Have mild stomach cramps, really bad nausea, headache, neck and ear pain, feel really weak and hot inside but temp seems to be ok. My heart keeps racing then calming down but that is semi normal for me. I'm trying to be rational and I know there's a few bugs going round at the moment but this has come on really suddenly. I did go swimming on weds night which I haven't done for a while I seemed to get a lot of chlorine in my throat nose and ears and now everything feels a bit blocked in my sinuses. Recently had blood tests and they were fine I've gone from thinking Its probably just a sinus infection to omg what if I have meningitis! It's the nausea and neck pain which is the worst thing that's why my mind jumped to that! Argh I hate feeling ill. Is anyone else suffering with similar stuff Atm?

19-04-13, 13:19
Hi Ella,

Yeah I've been having the same for the past couple of days feeling terrible, dizzy, weak, nausious, headaches and neck pain from the back all the way round.

its not a great place to be. But hopefully make you feel a little better knowing your not alone.

19-04-13, 14:08
Sorry to hear you're feeling the same :( yeah my neck pain is right at the bottom of my neck I keep getting a tingling sensation aswell. My headache won't seem to shift either. Do you know what yours is? X

19-04-13, 14:49
nah i'm guessing it'll be something to do with the tension in my neck, shoulders and back..? x