View Full Version : Which things do you miss most by having anxiety?

22-09-06, 10:29
I find by having panic/anxiety its the little things I never used to think twice about doing that I now miss being able to do.

For me its things like being able to jump in the car with a friend and nip up town for some shopping and a coffee. I used to take my 2 children to town most Saturdays too and go somewhere for lunch - something I miss.

Parents evenings I used to like going to and have my list of questions/comments prepared - now Im in and out of there in a flash and hoping my appointment is bang on time and I dont have to wait.

Being able to shop around and find pressies and knick knacks for the kids after a good long look rather than having to rush in somewhere then rush right back out or paying triple on the Internet sometimes!

Days out used to consist of a good long day spent somewhere - eating there, buying souvenirs etc. Now its just a quick look round till I sit back in the car and hopefully am with someone the kids can still go round with.I say to myself well at least ive been but i dont feel good about how I feel when I am there.

What do you miss most from life before this came?

22-09-06, 10:57
The things i miss most, is going clothes shopping with my teenage daughters, i havent been able to go shopping with my girls for years. I miss the family days out also, and also the getting in the car and just nipping to town for the shopping.



22-09-06, 11:27
Well, i too miss not being able to spend shopping days without rushing in and out, not being able to look properly because of the fear i may faint or pass out. Also not being able to just go anywhere i want without the "what ifs" popping into my mind........
however it does get better, and now i have days where i feel relaxed shopping and can spend that bit longer without worrying too much- i still have the thoughts and days where i feel anxious and want to get home as fast as i can........i hope this passes one dayx

lisa p
22-09-06, 11:48
I miss not being able to go out without worrying about what happens if I'm sick etc.

I miss taking the kids out, going out for a nice meal with my hubby, and most of all going into town, treating the kids. All the shopping is done on-line, takes all the fun out of it.

I do hope that one day, I will be able to do the simple things in life again!

Lisa p

22-09-06, 11:53
I miss being able to ride my horse confidently. I miss being able to have a drink with my friends and family. I just want to feel confident in my everyday stuff, like going shopping without having to remember to breath properly things like that really upset me!


22-09-06, 13:26
I Miss seeing my children
They are grown up now and one lives in Kent and the other lives in the USA.
I did manage a trip to Kent but felt so bad. It takes the pleasure out of doing it
I have been like this all my life but have improved to some extent cause I couldnt go out at all


22-09-06, 14:38
I miss so much, just being able to leave the house or going anywhere without this fear i carry with me.
There is so much i want to do and so many places i want to go with my children.
If i ever recover i dont think id ever take anything for granted again!!

22-09-06, 14:41
Without sounding cheesy, I miss ME!! Dunno about you guys, but I'm nothing like what I was before this happend to me. I fear and question everything, nothing is normal or simple for me anymore.

I miss ME!!

£1000,0000 reward for whoever finds her ;)

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

22-09-06, 15:58
I miss being independant. I rely on my husabnd far too much, but I am getting there.

Jenny xxxxx

22-09-06, 18:20

I just miss being normal. Just doing everday normal things without worrying about having a panic attack. Just watching telly without the thought even crossing my mind. Just wish i could go about my buisness without a care in the world. Wouldn't that be wonderful!


22-09-06, 20:56
What do I miss? So very many things.

Not being able to go out for a meal with my husband. Or when someone suggests a day out, to be able to just enjoy it without the butterflies and anxiety, wondering if I'll have a PA. Not being able to go on holiday, even just visiting family is difficult right now and I miss them. And the fact that PAs restrict my husband and daughter too. They suffer for my illness.

Like Claire, I miss being me. The old me that was laid back and could visit people or have people come round any time. Its gone.

Not being able to trust myself at work that I won't have a PA. I LOVE my job, and enjoy it, but the anxiety takes some of that away. Just glad I'm still working. They appreciate me and my boss is understanding, so I know I'm lucky really.

[never ask a depressive what they miss! [:P]]


23-09-06, 00:27
I miss going by myself!!!
I hate being on everyone else's schedule and I would love to just be able to take off and do whatever I want for however long I want to do it!!!!

23-09-06, 01:38
I miss going out without thinking about it, going to town with my daughter and treating her to lunch, and the carefree person who used to be me. I miss the old me!!! shes in there, shes just a bit scared to come out yet but im working on it

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

23-09-06, 01:43
I definitely miss being able to go places. I used to travel 200 miles to London every other weekend. I did a tiny bit of travelling to a few places round Europe and I was hoping to use that as a springboard to gradually go further afield.

I've never been the most calm of people, but I miss that feeling of peace that I used to get sometimes when I'd look at the stars or just watch the world go by.

I miss not worrying so much about my future and having faith that it will all pan out.

I miss not being able to have lazy days where I can slob out and watch tv.

I miss big lie ins.

I miss getting excited about doing things.

I miss the assurance that I used to have that I'd be around til I was my grandparents age.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

24-09-06, 16:23
Thanks for all your replies. Its unfair isnt it? I liked your post Mandy that the real you is in there somewhere but a little scared to come out at the mo. Thats a really good way of looking at things.

24-09-06, 17:15
I miss being able to have someone special in my life.

I miss being able to get up to see the beautiful dawn.

I miss being able to go long distances.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-09-06, 19:13
New to this site but i'm so glad i've finally found somewhere where I can chat with people who understand how I feel.
I too miss being able to go out shopping, I cant go anywhere on my own I need to be with someone I can rely on usually my Mum the thought of going in a shop scares me to death thinking I am going to faint and everyone is going to look at me. Being in a queue is the worst by the time I get to the front i'm usually shaking that much I can hardly hold my hand out for my change.
I miss being able to stroll round any shop I like whether its busy or not, go get my hair done at the hairdressers and go for a long drive.
I dont want to let this beat me but I feel like i'm missing out on so much because of it!
Tracy xx

25-09-06, 03:27
I MISS ME......................SAYS IT ALL[8D]

25-09-06, 10:36
I miss the worry free days.:(

25-09-06, 11:59
Anxiety is driving me nuts. I feel as stressed now as the time leading up to my first major panic attack, when I had no money, no job, a very rocky relationship, few close friends to count on and the threat of getting both myself and my flatmate evicted because I couldn't pay the rent.

That was 4 years ago. I've got a slightly more stable relationship. I've got a job (even though I hate it), I'm not as desperate with money and I suppose I've got more friends than I used to have.

I guess one of the things that is troubling me is that I feel like I'm doing things to please other people. I'm working in a factory job because my I felt like my family wanted me to get a 'proper' job to earn some money and become more stable (the flip side of that is that they then say that me going to Uni was a waste: lose-lose), I feel like I'm sticking with it because I'm pushed into being the bread winner by my fiancee, I feel pushed into getting married and wanting everything that goes with that. The reason that I'm not objecting more strongly is because I feel like I tried to do things my way and made an absolute mess of it and now I'm listening to their advice because I don't have confidence in my own decision making- that has problems in itself because people push me to do conflicting things.

I just wish this bloody anxiety would go away because I feel that if i was more relaxed that I would do so much more and I wouldn't feel so depressed. I am proactively trying to relax with such things as yoga, but I don't think that I'm dealing with stress especially well and that is causing the situation to be prolonged.

I just wish that I could rest and have no stress.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

25-09-06, 16:03
i cant remember a time before the panic started so i miss what i would have been without them


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

daisy chain
28-09-06, 11:50
i miss being a child as i had no care and worrys then daisyx

anita jane

28-09-06, 12:59
I miss feeling careless.

I miss being able to stay home by myself without too much thinking and introspection.

I miss the days when I would wake up in the morning, look outside the window and welcome a new sunny day without checking how I am feeling.

I miss the days when ignorance was such a bliss for me.

I miss the days when my brother was still alive and healthy :(

"Our thinking creates problems that the same type of thinking will not solve" Albert Einstein

28-09-06, 16:02
My freedom and independance.
and most of all who I was back then.

28-09-06, 21:23
I miss thinking life was easy.

I miss being able to talk to people-or at least I could think about talking to people at some point.

I miss my dreams. I used to have such brillant dreams of what I was going to do with my life.

I miss my childhood.

Aurorastorm- I have a horse too! Their such my spoiled babies.....[:P]

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

01-10-06, 19:43
I miss lots of things I 'darent' do.

I wonder if we forced ourselves to do anything we wanted what would happen?

02-10-06, 17:44
I've had Anxiety for over 20 years in varying degrees and cant really remember what it was like before. I miss being able to just go out when I want and where I want and not have to rely on someone to be with me. I think my son has missed out too as when he was young I couldnt take him out on my own and my husband who has been fantastic and very supportive but didnt bargain for this when we got married 28 years ago.

Sandra x

02-10-06, 21:48
I miss the carefree days when I didn't know what a panic attack even was. I miss being able to feel dizzy, weak, lightheaded, tired or just nervous without associating it with a panic attack. I miss the old me who faced life without apprehension. And I mourn the wasted time and opportunities that I've lost due to being ill.

And I already miss a future free of anxiety that I once had (but obviously didn't realise it at the time) - 'cos as we all know, once you get this, it's with you forever, lurking somewhere in the background.

Wow, I've depressed myself with that!! So, what about the positives instead? Mine is that I've become a much more compassionate person - I'd not really known 'suffering' before this, but now I have more empathy for others who are not well. I've even changed my job (from the professional sector to helping people with learning difficulites) as I realised there's more to life than money - we all need support to get through life sometimes!

03-10-06, 10:24
My issues lie with driving at night and this has really had an impact since this problem started just a year ago. I really miss just being able to get in my car at night and drive somewhere, I am the sort of person who would rather drive to and from a night out and not drink and know how I am going to get home, rather than falling into a taxi at the end of the night. Driving at night was never an issue to me at all. I miss it so much :-( Especially when I think back to the winter of 2004 when I used to drive half an hour away every sunday evening to see my friend (who doesnt drive), to do a pub quiz at her village pub, I would think nothing of driving along the dark country roads in the middle of winter, but now the thought of doing so makes me feel ill.

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'