View Full Version : Freaking Out!!!

22-09-06, 10:57
I know i posted not long ago but i am really freaking out, i cant stop feeling like this, i feel really scared that all the feelings i have have something to do with my op (gallbladder removal 3 weeks ago) i have been to the doctors this morn and he doent seem to think it has. i feel so anxious and i dont know how to stop it, i have to keep taking deep breaths and have a sore burning throat, chest pain, shakes and waves of i dont know what, i just wanna burst into tears as i dont know whats wrong!!! i want to go home and curl up in bed and go to sleep just so it will go away but i have only just come back to work.

somebody please help!!!

22-09-06, 11:02
Hi Sweetie - sorry you are feeling this way.

If you are feeling so down and infact ill then you are not well enough to be at work and you should go home. There is no comfort in being there fighting your way through this when you are obviously not yourself. Could you talk to your boss and perhaps say you wanted his/her opinion but you are feeling so bad? I could sense your despair in your post and really felt for you and had to reply. You have just had an op too so dont beat yourself up that its just anxiety as lots of people arent themselves after something like that for a while. You may just need another week to put your feet up and thats fair enough!

PM me if you need to - keep us posted!

kate H
22-09-06, 11:22
I agree with Missacorah. Dont sit there and fight it if u are feeling that bad hun. U need to be at home resting. It is very stressfull going through an opertaion and u obviuosly need a bit more time out to get better and there is nothing wrong with that.
Try and keep your cool u are doing the right thing with your breathing but i would really suggest talking to your boss anout going home.

Take care


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

22-09-06, 12:29
Hi Liz Im in agreement with Kate and missacorah,yuo sound like you need more time off.Get your self signed off.You may have returned to work to soon.You sound so down,and being at work sounds like its stressing you even more.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 12:35
Hi again Liz,I have just read your other post about driving to nottingham.This maybe why your feeling so anxious and getting all these horrid feelings.you said you were feeling pretty anxious because the last trip you made wasnt so good.Your mind is probably telling you its going to happen this time.
I get like this,when I went for a blood test I had a massive panic attack.Now every time I have to go to the hospital I associate the hospital with panic,and automatically have an attack.I hope I have made sense.

Ellen XX

23-09-06, 11:14
Thats a pretty big op you have had there!!! I would have thought you should be off for at least 6 weeks. You need to rest and not strain yourself.

Take care Love Matilda