View Full Version : scared stiff of brain tumor

22-09-06, 11:02
hi every1

last wed i felt like a funny rush feeling go up the side of my head, i worried then but my mother in law made me feel better saying it was my ears blah blah, i have been suffering with sinus problems and have been worrying lately about that aswell, well after my mother in law told me that i didnt have anymore, until yesterday, its a cold tingly feeling it dosnt hurt, and yesterday i noticed it as i was listening to the news about richard hammond , it was like the shock of hearing the story made it happen, anyway my cheek bone and under my eyes feel as there is pressure, so i did the worst thing i googled!! it says that funny sensations in head is a symptom, god i hate this so much!!!!

please some1 reasure me
has any of u had this??
leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

polly daydream
22-09-06, 11:11
Hi, normally with a brain tumour there are alot more symtoms, I get weird sensations in my head all the time and I'm still here. I saw a Neurologist about two years ago, he did a few tests and found nothing wrong. It does sound alot like your sinuses, have you seen your dr about it?

Take care,


22-09-06, 11:16
hi polly
thanks for replying, yeah saw my dr on monday but i didt mention this as it hadnt happened for over a week, ive definatly noticed it happns more when im stressed, i has tonsillitus in august and the dr said its just all resolving ???

god i get myself in a right state

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

22-09-06, 11:44
Hi Leanne,Im pretty sure you havent a brain tumour pet.Bad news googling.My panic attacks started over 10 years ago,looking up all sorts of symptoms in books.I got my self in a terrible state.Its best not to look up these things,so many problems have the same sort of symptoms.Stress and anxiety have lots of aches and pains.
Take care

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 14:32
Hi Leanne,

i knew someone with a brain tumor and believe me that was never one of his symptoms.
Anxiety can cause all sorts of wierd pains. Relax and they will go,
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects