View Full Version : Front of throat hurts to touch in addition to other problems?

19-04-13, 21:38
My problems started at the beginning of February. I was just sitting down enjoying myself, not eating or drinking, and I had a coughing fit. When I was done coughing, I felt a swelling feeling in my throat, and I haven't been able to get down most solids since. So I live on protein drinks and mashed potatoes. I've been to many doctors who basically said it's acid reflux or anxiety, but didn't offer me any medications which may help. Not that I can swallow pills anyway! So this is a work in progress..


One thing I've noticed during all this is that if I touch the front of my neck, it's very tender and sore. Doesn't usually hurt on its own, but I DO notice that my throat hurts in a muscular way if I sneeze. One doctor pushed on my throat a whole bunch and it hurt me a lot, and when I told her, she just looked at me like I'm stupid and said, "Oh that's just cartilage." But why would it hurt so bad to touch?!

Anybody else have that problem? Guessing it could be due to tense throat muscles?