View Full Version : Silent Panic Attacks

22-06-04, 05:25
I was just wondering if anyone else can tell when you are panicing?
Most of the time when I have panic attacks I am the only one who can tell. On the outside I show no symptoms except for the checking of my pulse occasionally. But on the inside I am freaking out with a racing mind, pounding heart, sweaty palms, shortness of breath feeling, and feeling faint. I had one of these attacks yesterday at work. I did alot of silent praying. I made it through and no one was the wiser. Looks like after years of this I would know that I am not going to drop dead from these feelings but each time I think it is the last.

22-06-04, 05:32
Hi you are in the USA!! me too lol....yes i have those when im around "other people" i feel like im going insane on the inside but wont let them see it...if im home...o yea you can tell lol.

22-06-04, 06:17
Oh yeah I ve had a lot of those, but I ve learned to stay positive and remind myself that my body is playing tricks on me. In the beginning it may seem like its not working but keep trying to remind yourself that you arent dying or that you arent going to faint. I know eaiser said than done but try to think positive. If you are near a computer at work you go to http://www.learningmeditation.com/room.htm it helps me a lot when I am at work. "NEVER GIVE UP"

Michael O.

22-06-04, 08:14
That is often the way - especially when you are recovering and know what is happening and what to do.
Well done for coping so well.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

23-06-04, 08:14
Hiya grlnxdoor,

It has been my experience that no one knows I am panicking but me as well.

Not sure if that is good or bad in the moment LOL......... :-D, but good coping skills grlnxdoor.

Well done you. ;)

I know what you mean when you say every time feels like the last. That`s the feeling that keeps us having these things. Argh!!!!!


I too like you let everyone at home know when I`m in an attack or feel one coming on. LOL............. :-D

By the way, I`m in the USA too. ;)


Welcome aboard mate.

You will get loads of help and support here.

So glad you found this site, and you will be glad you did too. ;)

Thanks for the website.

Take care all.

Love Diana xoxoxo

23-06-04, 13:32
I have exactly the same thing sometime. It's much better though when no one else can tell and I find it makes me feel better about myself as I have dealt with it alone without needing any help/
Sarah (seh1980)

23-06-04, 17:20
I feel better if no-one else can tell (my family can always tell though!), but I'm always paranoid that everyone around me will guess by my strange behaviour, and think I'm cracking up or something...hmmm...

24-06-04, 20:45
I have silent panic attacks too- most people never ever know when i am experiencing one simply because i dont want to look silly! you arent alone :-)


24-06-04, 21:05
yeah i have thoughs

i have em every night, and my parents donno, how will i tell em anyway

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

28-06-04, 04:19
Hi All,

Good way of looking at it Seh1980. I never thought of it that way. ;)

Positive thinking all the time you. :) I like that.

Take care all.

Loadsa Love, Diana xxx

29-06-04, 16:53

I totally agree, i cant believe that i'm not alone with all of this and how i feel.

It IS a constant battle but it shouldn't be!!

Inside you feel like your going mad and losing control. I just want to run and hide away from everyone.
I question everything.


01-07-04, 00:19

No, you are not alone sweetie.

We all question everything and feel like running away and hiding, but we know we ca`nt so the battle continues. :(

However with each others help and support we can and will overcome this disorder.

So let`s all hang in there. We`ll beat this thing. :)

Loadsa Love to everyone. :)

Love, Diana xxxx

02-07-04, 01:49
Silent pancking drives me nuts.

It makes you doubt your sanity, and you start wondering what is wrong with you, and is it really just panic?

Funny how you can be going to bits on the inside, but externally you look as if you are cool as a cucumber.

You're not alone by any means, as we've all gone through it too.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

20-07-04, 13:54
I can relate to this- my boyfriend recently told his mum that I have panic attacks and she was amazed because she thinks I am normally such a calm and collected person! She has known me for 6 years and has never noticed- I felt quite chuffed with myself- even if I am panicking inside and feeling like a totally neurotic weirdo other people can't tell!

Hears The Water
22-07-04, 04:35
Most of the time I am the same way. My closest friends and my family know because I realy work at the deep breathing. The can tell because I kinda "woosh" the out breaths. I recently saw on Oprah (do y'all get her over in GB?) where a member of the Back Street Boys or N Sync (one of those teeny bopper bands) was on her show and he was having a bad panic attack. He went on to do the show even though he was feeling bad. We all know how he was feeling. His face was all red and contorted and he was realy wringing his hands. I cried when I saw it because I knew just how he was feeling. Made me wonder how I look when I am having one. But since I have been getting out and going to my home schooler's co-op for the last year, I have been noticing that most of the ladies I tell my "secret" to look so surprised that I have to deal with P/A's. I keep hearing, "But you are so outgoing" or "I didn't know that about you". I do tend to be pretty charming when I am out in a group. That is what I think makes me so tired after a long day away from home. I have been "acting" and it is draining. But oh, so worth it.
BTW, I am from the states too... Missouri.
God bless you and yours