View Full Version : I Hate This!

20-04-13, 00:52
Does anyone have a hard time trying to get their friends and family to understand their depression and anxiety because I've tried several times to explain my situation and they all just think I'm crazy or its all in my head. I don't know what do anymore, sometimes I think, what if I just disappeared, would they even notice? care? I'm so tired of having just one day everything being okay and the next I suddenly feel this negative energy just bringing me down. Does anyone know what I'm saying? I just need a words of encouragement from people who actually understand.

20-04-13, 07:16
yes its really hard to explain to others as they dont understand, i hid my panic/anxiety for over a year as i didnt think anyone would understand, i was so depressed about this and i really struggled my husband knew i was not right but he would just be on my case calling me miserable and boring etc and we would fall out.. at one point i thought he was going to leave...
A few months ago i had a panic attack out of nowhere at home when everyone was home...i was a right mess and couldnt stop crying,and thats when i asked for his support, i think he was shocked to see me like this... now husband has been so understanding since and is helping me with my problems, i feel like i can recover from this now i have the support from him i still know it will take a long time but at least i dont have to suffer in silence anymore
i am now more open about my condition to family and friends even work mates
if you fill like chatting pm me

24-04-13, 07:53

Deffinetly, they keep telling me to get over it or ignore it but if it was that easy, then I would. It has also caused family arguments as I don't go to family gatherings etc.


24-04-13, 08:43
i think unless the person has suffered anxiety or a panic attack themselves ,they would understand our feelings ....my family and friends just push me ,thinking thats what i need a kick up the bum , but it upsets me more as they can just say it and they dont know how difficult it is for me to overcome .x

24-04-13, 08:59
I don`t think people who have not had anxiety fully do understand the feeling of sheer terror that this illness can bring. Mines have been getting a lot worse lately to the extent I walk around the house not knowing what to do, thinking something is going to happen. My sister saw this and understands more, now that she has seen it and it has been explained to her. We do tend to hide how we feel.It was her who made me go back to doc to get referred again CBT. My other sister thought panic attacks were just a nervy feeling inside. So some times I think we have to explain more or family have to witness episodes, before the can slightly understand.