View Full Version : Worried about the dr ugs prescribed

20-04-13, 07:35

I'm English but live in Thailand and the health care here is somewhat poor. I have been to a well known hospital because I have relapsed with my Panic Disorder and have really been very bad the last month.

I used to take Seroxat, 1x20ml in the morning, did so for several years, worked well for me but I have been told in can be a nightmare going back to them. Anyway I explained everything to the Thai doc and also explained I don't like pills so the fewer the better. Here is his prescription :-

Zoloft 50 mg (take half tablet) after breakfast morning
Propanolol 10mg 1 tab twice daily after food
Rivoltril 2mg 1 tab at night before bed
Xanax 0.5mg 1 tab at night.

At the moment I'm ill every waking moment, and have the flu on top which is making me feel even worse. I haven't started his prescription because it looks like a coctail! I'll rattle if I take that lot!

Does anyone know or has anyone ever been prescribed that many drugs of the same kind before, in other words, do you think it is safe for me to take them?

Kind Regards,
