View Full Version : Constipation cure?warning sensitive topics.

20-04-13, 08:31
Hiya I'm not to worried just looking for a cure to a common issue lol.
I'm very consipated. I need to go but upon going can not go!
I also have a beer looking belly I think from being constipated!?
I have recentnly started eating very healhtly. Three pieces of fruit a day. Normally bananas, apples, pears, occasionsly oranges, kiwis, plums etc.
I've also started eating things like nuts, almonds, dried fruits etc etc and a lot more vegetables!?
But it's very painful not being able to use the loo. Should I try drinking two litres of water a day? Also do I need to change what I'm eating whilst I'm like this?
A typical day is:
Greek yoghurt/banana/nuts
Piece of fruit for snack.
Lunch. A sandwhich. Yoghurt or fruit. Sandwich is normally filled with cheese spread or peanut butter
Piece of fruit
Dinner- lean meat like steak or pork chop or chicken legs or lamb chops . Veg ans potatoes . Or salad and tinned tuna, tinned salmon or boiled eggs!?
Dessert: varys, rice pudding, ice cream, jelly, custard etc.
What am I doing wrong? Could not drinking enough water be the answer?
Or is their any foods I can take? Should I take a paracetamol for the pain? As that's quite bad aswell!?
I have bad pain under ribs especially when moving :(

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 ----------

Also is it dangerous to eat when constipated?

---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 ----------

I've just eaten breakfast of one banana and one pot of Greek yoghurt and am sat with a 330ml bottle of water instead of a cuppa tea. Very strange but I'm hoping it gets things moving!?
I can't stand our tap water. It's a hard water area and tastes like bloody chalk :( so is bottled ok?

20-04-13, 14:47
Perhaps try eating some fruit and fibre cereal in mornings that might help looks like the food your eating is all good and healthy :-)

20-04-13, 15:16
Hi Em.ma

I look at you picture and it makes me hungry for flowers lol.

Anyway what you are eating sounds good and the advice fluff gave you is very good advice.

On thing I would say is if you are constipated try this little tip when you go to the toilet and sit on the loo you can do one of two things.
Massage your tummy (works on babies and adults too helps move things around and it does work).
And the other thing is advice that is give to people with piles is to lean forward when on the loo so you are touching your toes and it opens your bowels up and stops you from straining to hard and it does help to get things going "if you know what I mean".

And yes drink plenty of water...

20-04-13, 15:30
Hi I will try the fruit n fibre how about weetabix with banana and dried fruit and nuts to?

Today I've had a 330ml bottle of water and bought a 750ml bottle of water and have sipped that all day.

Have eaten Greek yoghurt with one banana sliced in it for breakfast
Shared some almonds with my brother for a snack
Lunch was a Philly and chives sandwhich on medium brown wholemeal bread with an apple and a muiller light yoghurt.
Going to a Chinese/oriental Buffett place tonight but plan on just having fruit for dessert their no cakes or sugary things no ice cream and small portions of the starter and main courses and not to many carbs!?.
It's hard giving up caffeine I'm craving a cuppa of something and a slice of cake but I'm trying to go cold turkey to improve my health.
Thanks for the advice about massaging etc i will try that. I don't want to strain anymore it hurts my head lmao!
I was thinking or orange juice and stuff like that but am scared that'll keep me more constipated!?

---------- Post added at 15:30 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

I do eat the right things most of the time.
But when I eat junk that makes my bowels go?
For example a typical weekday dinner is a salad of
Spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, canned kidney beans or chickpeas, cheeses, boiled eggs.
Or salmon fillet with new pots and green beans lol.
But if I eat pizza I go the loo immediately :S

20-04-13, 16:22
It's the grease that makes you go. Your diet sounds good, and there's nothing wrong with some junk now and then. Fibre such as wholegrains, fruit & veg may help, but if it doesn't then ask at the pharmacy, there are plenty if meds that can help. Paracetamol may help if you're in a lot of pain, but won't help with the cause, but if you need it then it will ease the pain.

Hope you feel better soon!

20-04-13, 17:11
Do you think you could have ibs maybe :-/
Best go and ask your doctor instead but I think certain foods affect it. Also I heard probiotics are good for your guts maybe that will help xx

20-04-13, 20:03
What have I done :(
Went restaurant had three over flowing plates of food. Onion rings, plates of chips, chicnen, rice, noodles, veg, beef, hash browsns seven of them, etc etc. plate of cakes and ice cream, sweets, jellies, more biscuits. over 5,000 calories easily! Logged in a website said if everyday were like today I would weight double my body weight!!! Stood on scales I'm 1.5 pound heavier than before.
On the upside I went to the loo?! And easily but feel like crap now about it. Defiantly need to stop this binging every weekend but how!?... :(.

20-04-13, 21:17
To be honest, if your diet is good the rest of the week, it's not really a problem unless you're becoming overweight (you've said previously that you're slim, so unless this has changed).

Congratulations on your bowel movement :)

20-04-13, 21:25
Yep I'm 8 stone 2 pounds in the evening, just under 8 first thing in the morning.
I seem to have a belly though. I can pinch fat in that area.
I logged what I ate and it said if everyday was like today I'd be 200 pounds in five weeks wow!