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22-09-06, 11:45

On Tuesday this week my doctor reduced my citalopram from 20mg down to 10mg.

I feel so awful today. I feel dizzy, light headed, spaced out and sick.

I didnt sleep last night, only having 2 hours sleep.

Do you think it could be from lack of sleep i feel like this or because i have reduced my medication. Would i see a difference in only 4 days?

love mandie

22-09-06, 12:05
Hi Mandy,I came of citalopram a few months back.Im back on them now.When I came of them I felt terrible,same symptoms as you.Im not sure if it was the tablets,or knowing that I was coming of them and my head telling me I was going to have withdrawrels.I did feel awful though.
Take care

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 12:18
Thanks Ellen

I feel like that, i keep thinking as soon as i come off them im gonna get the anxiety back. I did get it back last year when i came off them and im worried again

love mandie x

22-09-06, 12:24
Hi Mandy and Ellen, I am on Cipralex 20mg I think they are quite similar to what you use. I reduced mine from 20mg to 15mg about 8 days ago; I haven’t been too bad I remember I tried a few months ago and felt awful so went back to 20. I know last night I had a really bad night real bad wind, belly and chest pains, then this morning I was so so tired didn’t get up till 11am just kept dropping back off. I don’t relay know why Doctors seem to cut the dose down by half, maybe he should have dropped you to 15mg, even if they don’t do 5mg tablets you could cut a 10mg in half? If I succeed in staying on 15mg I am going to stay at 15mg for quite a few months before reducing again. I have learned from the past trying to come of meds to fast only puts you back to square one. Hope you feel better soon. Vernon

22-09-06, 12:31
Hi Vernon

I have been on 20mg for 7 months now and have been feeling great. My doctor agreed i could reduce because i have been doing so well.

I was only on 10 mg last year and know that i reduced too quick although i didnt feel any side effects at all.

I feel so crap today. My head is swimming and i feel sick. I think i might try the 15mg and see how i go.


Love Mandie x

22-09-06, 18:27
Hi Mandie,

I was on cipralex last year and found I had to reduce them really really gradually, over several weeks, even a couple of months till eventually I was taking half a tablet evry second day for a week then every third day etc. I felt terrible with the withdrawals although my GP said with cipralex withdrawal isnt meant to be so difficult. My advice would be take it as slowly as you need to.

Good luck

Coni X

22-09-06, 19:52
How long does citalopram take to be in full effect, ive been on 40mg for about a month now and it has done nothing for my general/social anxiety.

22-09-06, 20:15
Hi Luke - you need to be aware that meds do NOT cure anxiety. They mask the symptoms somewhat whilst you work on tackling the real issues at hand. Welcome aboard to you.


23-09-06, 17:05
Yes Mandy I have been feeling so sick and tired, so hard to get up anytime. Dint think about the reduction from the Cipralex, maybe thats my problem too, but am going to stick at it. Luke, hi and welcome. Took me at least 8 weeks before I got any results from my Cipralex, Its different with averyone.

26-09-06, 19:54
Hi Mandi ,Ellen etc.... I was prescribed Citalopram too over a month ago & after 3 weeks i felt anxious,tired,and i have since dropped a dress size due to loss of appetite! apart from sweets??Hmmm i was then given sleeping pills which i didnt want to try but did and yes i fell asleep that night...This week however i have started a new job at last god knows how i got through the interview[|)]but i started this Monday and i thought i need a clear head so id reduced my 30mg down to 20 down to 10 down to half which i took half for only 3 days & OMG today i had nothing annd boy did i feel it.I had hardly any sleep last night due to quitting the sleeping pills,i got to work only to feel sooooo anxious that i had a panic attack whilst trying to type a letter in front of my new work collegue luckily i managed to blag it and blame my weird behaviour on lack of sleep but i could not function and after that i felt sooo self concious that when she spoke to me i went bright red and couldnt even answer her general chit chat without feeling i was glowing and i also couldnt laugh it was torture.. i ased if i could go home and take some med i was on and so drove home sooo fast and had 10mg of citalopram and another propranolol to slow my racing heart....SO.... i would seriously reccomend taking your med until you are feeling properly well again and lower your dose & down to taking half every other day & then every 2 days.... otherwise you WILL feel like your back on square one even though you have probably gained alot of your confidence back! They play with your mind[:o)] not good..... so take these pills as a way of masking your depression or fears and as a helping hand NOT as a cure..... Phew!

04-10-08, 21:19
Well I think I beat everyone, I started taking citaopram because I had post natel depression, I was so ill, I felt wierd all the time like I wasnt really here and i was constantly on edge couldnt relax, went dizzy, felt sick couldnt eat, i was a mess, when I went on citalopram my whole life changed I really never thought Id be normal again. I have been on 20mg and this week the doctor reduced it to 10mg, today i took my first 10mg and iv been a mess, panicking feeling sick and dizzy, spaced out, I went shopping and had to leave the store because of panick attack, why? it cant because of med its only the first day, what should i do?
help please i feel like im just loosing it all over again and im so scared.