View Full Version : GAD and Hot weather

20-04-13, 09:16
I been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and been having this for 10 over years but only this year I have been to see the doc and therapist I thought I could handle this on my own but then came a point where even walking to the grocers or supermarket which is only 500m away made me breathless or when the Hot weather makes me have anxiety attacks> i couldnt function at all> i cannot take a train with people all around me . I cannot take a public bus if its crowded, When i take a cab or private car I get anxiety when we are stuck in a jam. I m so obsessed with palpitations that i m always checking my BPM and also sometimes these anxiety problems always make me feel that im having heart problems....im so miserable i just wish i can get cured and live a normal life like everyone out there. I turn down my friends and just stay at home. my husband is going crazy when i tell him my heart beats fast. the doc gave me beta blockers and xanax which helps alittle.. as you see im generally a nervous person i have been having sweaty palms for as long as i can remember. Im 31 and i do want to have children but this anxiety is keeping me from it. im so stressed up

21-04-13, 16:37
have you tried any other meds?