View Full Version : petechie.. do i have a platelet disorder

20-04-13, 10:14
for a couple of years ive noticed that when i scratch too hard or for to long on either my boobs or my legs i get petechie, those little pinprick bruises... They completley fade after a week or so, however im 17 weeks pregnant and it seems to be flying by, i had a cbc done 7 weeks ago and my platelet count was 190 with the normal range being 140-400, everything on the cbc came back normal actually apart from my platelet width distribution being a bit high at 14.5, with the normal range being from something like 9 - 14. Ive managed to keep my anxiety out for a while and don't want it coming back but im concerned now that i have an undiagnosed platelet disorder and will haemmorrage to death in child birth.. I need to speak to my midwife but cant see her now for another 7 weeks!!! And she wasn't concerned by anything in the cbc so i feel a bit lost anyway