View Full Version : Alcohol

20-04-13, 10:42
Good morning everyone
Quick question for you, I tend not to drink alcohol anymore because of the bad anxiety and hangover the next day which really messes my health anxiety up.
Tonight I have a big family event to go to and am quite nervous about going and drinking. I don't want to get drunk only enjoy a glass or two if I feel like it. I wondered if anyone else gets the really bad anxiety and hangover after drinking? Are there any drinks I should avoid? Does anyone know the "safest" alcohol to drink?

Thanks :)

20-04-13, 10:50
Hey Bekzie

Yes I get the bad anxiety with hangovers and I have one right now. My anxiety is pretty bad without a hangover so when I have one it is just the worst thing ever, it makes everything seem 10 times worse. You know what its like. Always regret it the next day.

I don't know if there's any drinks that are "safer" than others but try and stick to one type of drink as mixing as going to make the hangover worse. But apart from that just try not to get to drunk, that's the best option lol. It does seem unfair that we cant go out get drunk and enjoy ourselves without paying for it so badly the next day, I know most people get hangovers but a hangover plus anxiety is a whole different kettle of fish.

Anyway im rambling on here. Have fun, don't drink too much :)

20-04-13, 10:59
Hey Bekzie

Yes I get the bad anxiety with hangovers and I have one right now. My anxiety is pretty bad without a hangover so when I have one it is just the worst thing ever, it makes everything seem 10 times worse. You know what its like. Always regret it the next day.

I don't know if there's any drinks that are "safer" than others but try and stick to one type of drink as mixing as going to make the hangover worse. But apart from that just try not to get to drunk, that's the best option lol. It does seem unfair that we cant go out get drunk and enjoy ourselves without paying for it so badly the next day, I know most people get hangovers but a hangover plus anxiety is a whole different kettle of fish.

Anyway im rambling on here. Have fun, don't drink too much :)

Thank you :) I'm happy to hear its not just me who this happens to! I haven't drank in months so I'm hoping I don't have one and get squiffy straight away lol!
Thank you for the advice :hugs:

20-04-13, 11:49

My advice would be to pace yourself. Set a target of one drink per hour, and maybe have some water in between drinks. You should then enjoy yourself, but not have a hangover.

Hope it goes well.

Charlie xx

20-04-13, 11:55
Thank you Charlie, I will try that :) xx

20-04-13, 12:43
Hi Bekzie, I'm like you I've never had a drink in months now due to my anxiety and being on sert and before I was out every weekend getting drunk and had the worst hangovers which would last days.

I want to go out and try a drink but I have noticed alot of people are saying don't drink when on sert so I'm thinking if I have a drink something might happen to me like a reaction or something & I'm petrified to try one! I really want to have a social life again but soo scaredx