View Full Version : APPLIED FOR 2 JOBS!!!

22-09-06, 11:56
Not really a success story yet but hopefully the beginning of one!!!

Today after 4 months of licking my wounds over being made redundant I have finally got up the courage to apply for 2 jobs. One as a carer for children with disabilities the other as a young peoples advisor. I am a qualified carer so I am hopeful I will get one of them or at least an interview!!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me guys!!!

Best Wishes,


22-09-06, 12:02
Well done Kazzie,best of luck.:D

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 12:09
Hi Kaz,

Well done you. Chin up hun xx

Take Care


22-09-06, 13:17
WELL DONE kaz!!!
Knew u could do it- I for one am very proud of u for fonin so good on ya!!!
I have everything crossed for u!!!

22-09-06, 13:37
good luck

Hay x

22-09-06, 16:14
Good Luck Kaz,

That's Great!:D I Got everything crossed for ya!

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X


polly daydream
22-09-06, 17:53
Good luck Kaz!

Polly :D

22-09-06, 18:42
well done chick! let me know when you hear something back from the jobs. i had an interview last friday, and have one on monday. xx

22-09-06, 19:00
Thanks Everyone!!! And best of luck to all of you jobhunting and shell keep us posted!!!

luv kaz x

23-09-06, 01:28
good on ya kaz. got everything crossed for you :D

love mandy xxxx

23-09-06, 19:14
Grrrrr...... dont you just hate this illness!!! Yesterday I was great then today went to shop with hubby he went back to the car to get something and bang full blown panic attack in the shop.

Now I wonder how I can go for an interview when I cant be alone in a shop and now I feel like I never want to go out again!!!

Sorry just needed a rant!!!

take care

luv kaz x x x

23-09-06, 19:30
Hi Kaz,

Hope you feel better after your rant we all need to let of steam sometimes!!

Hope your interview goes well, we have to keep trying!!

Hugs to you


24-09-06, 07:46
Hey Kazzie,

Good luck with the jobs, eventhough we all know you wont need it, they would all be mad not to want you ;):D

Don't let this blip (panic attack in the shop) get you down, cause that will be all it was, a blip! You will just be a little nervous in the waiting to hear about these jobs or something. You WILL be fine. Only spoken to you a few times in chat but you seem really top to me :D

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

24-09-06, 09:40
Well done for applying for the jobs and I wish you every luck and success with this. The act of applying shows such a huge leap forward.

Yesterday was a blip and you can still get to an interview. Remember the positive feelings you had when you completed those application forms and how good that made you feel. You can do that whenever you start to worry. Tell yourself to 'Stop!' and then take a few minutes to remember and allow yourself to remember those positive thoughts and feelings.

Good luck!


I love you in place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

~The Carpenters~

24-09-06, 23:13
Well got one application form thro and job isent for me luckily the one i really want im still waiting for the form will keep ya all posted

luv kaz x x x

25-09-06, 11:00
Hi there, well got the other form this morning now im in turmoil!!! Seems part of the job is outreach work in schools talking to the kids about drugs sex etc. Will I cope with my pa s??? Should i fill in the form or forget the whole idea??? Plus the interview is in front of a panel of people what if I freak out??? I so want this job but not sure if I can do it with the panic!!!

any tips or advice guys???

luv kaz x

25-09-06, 12:30
If you apply you may not get the job, if you dont apply you definately wont get the job.
No need to panic (easier said than done) in relation to the application, just fill it in and see how it goes, take one step at a time. All you are doing at the moment is filling the application out so stop worrying about any panel interview, cross that bridge if and when you come to it.
Your qualified to go for it, so go for it, if you get the interview let us know and we will offer more words of encouragement.
Good luck and take care

25-09-06, 14:30
You Go for it girl!:D[Yeah!]

Good Luck hun,

Take Care,;)

Love Pip's X X X X


25-09-06, 14:42
Thanks pips x Myself thank you that made sense im going to fill in the form and worry about the interview if and when it happens!!! Onward and upward eh???

luv kaz x