View Full Version : !!!Reasurrance Please!!!

22-09-06, 12:05
Hello Lovely People,

My back ache and nausea are freaking me out today big time. Doctor says it will be 8 months before I get appointment with urlogist. And she told me not to get stressed out about it as its just my anxiety giving me these pains. I have these pains 24/7 so cant help feeling its something cancerous of some kind. So as my doctor didnt give me reasurrance today could some of you lovely people give me some I'd be eternally grateful.xxxxx

Take Care


22-09-06, 12:10
You poor thing,I expect anxiety is making things worse for you.I have been anxious for a few days,and I have allsorts of aches and pains.
Try not to be freaked out!!!easier said than done I know.Im sure its not serious pet.Your appointment may come through quicker that 8 months,you never know.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 12:12
Aw Ellen thank you millions hun thank you xxx

Take Care


22-09-06, 12:21
Hi Mandy, you are not alone!!! I dont suffer from health anxiety but last night i had ovarian cancer and a bloodclot!!! Took hubby to point out that I had spent entire day hunched over laptop and of course I would ache!!!

I think when we havethis beast of panic and anxiety we dont move as much as we should and so get more aches and pains which just serve to make us more and more paranoid!!!

You will be fine try to relax!!!

Take care

luv kaz x

22-09-06, 12:29
Thank you Kaz and Heidi for your replies I feel better already knowing you guys are here for me xxxx Heidi only other option is private but Ive went private so many times in the past doctor says she wont let me waste my money anymore. I need a brain transplant but dunno if I ever had one in the first place tho.

Take Care


22-09-06, 13:13
hey there me love!!!
Well wot can i say to ya!! Firstly u def dont have a brain to have a transplant and second- try not to worry me darlin!! things will get better- just member we are all here 4 u and i for one will be around to tease u and wind ya up!!! Chin up me love- we will get this sorted, at least the balls rollin now!!!
Speak soon!!

22-09-06, 14:21
Hiya Mandy,

i'm sure if your gp was worried about you, you'd be seen a lot sooner AND she wouldn't be saying not to waste your money going private.
If we could all take our own advice, we'd all be fine wouldn't we? You give great advice.
Do you reckon its a bad time of year as my anxiety is at an all time high now too. Im plagued with so many symptoms, i don't know where to start lol.
You are fine and will get over this hun,

love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

22-09-06, 18:03
aaww mandy sorry to hear youre feeling anxious, im sure its the anxiety making you feel so bad. ive been there too, practically screaming the place down when my little one was small cos i was having heart probs (ok so it was anxiety but i was sure it was a heart attack!!!) you will be ok hun, i know you will

big hugs

mandy xxxxxxxxxx

positive attitude brings positive results

22-09-06, 18:03
HI mandy,

i agree with anx hun, if it was anything serious they would have got you in sooner, i know its hard, and i bet you are thinking but what if they have missed something but i am sure that its just the anxiety hun, i am always here for you you are a great friend love ya millions


22-09-06, 18:11
Hi Mandy,

Don't really have anything to add to the advice you have already been given!! Just had to let you know I was thinking of you!!

Hugs to you


22-09-06, 18:16
Gemma, Vicki, Mandy2, Ruth and Lynnann thank you lovely ladies for your kind words. I have made some true friends here at nmp and I love you all. You were just what I needed today thank you xxxxx

Take Care


22-09-06, 18:33
Mandyyyyyyy babes,

I do hope you feel better soon. If you are still really worried and feeling like crap perhaps you could go to the emergency room? I think you need a nice glass of wine and a hot bubble bath. Enjoy!!

Take Care of You,


22-09-06, 19:46
Mandy Hun,

So sorry you are still feeling so bad. I assume that your doctor has ruled out things with tests and that is why she says not to go private again. I must say I think it is insane to have to wait 8 months to see a specialist though! I do know that stress can do many things to our bodies and it can hit our weak spots and we all have them. I hope you feel better soon, I'm here for you.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

22-09-06, 21:13
Have you had blood tests or anything? If it were cancer hun you would be losing weight, be pale, anaemic, in agony you couldn't' walk etc.... my husbands uncle found out recently he had cancer of the spine and boy did he know about it.


23-09-06, 10:01
hello mandy im sure its just anxiety but i know sometimes irrational thinking takes over dosent it . just keep calm im sure if your doc thought it was cancer he would push it through a lot quicket than that his job is worth more than taking a risk . tc sweetie xxxxxxxxxxx

m potts

23-09-06, 11:11
Tina Laura Jem and Potts thank you millions. Ive stil got my aches and pains today but I'm doing my best to stay active and not think of them. Been up since 7am cleaning. Thank you all for your reasurrance and thank you Nic for this forum.

Take Care


23-09-06, 11:41
Its a vicious circle cicircle isnt it. I dont know which comes first the symptom or the anxiety.

Take care