View Full Version : Bulge in stomach - please help

20-04-13, 17:27
I keep posting at the moment as my HA is throught the roof, so forgive me for posting yet another worry. I keep worrying about cancer and have been checking my body lots recently.

Anyway, the other day I was looking in the mirror at my tummy. I then noticed that the right side of my tum (above belly button) protrudes more than the left. I was very scared. I lay down to check but unless I pushed my stomach out I couldn't see it. I went to the doctors who examined my stomach she said that it was probably just that I had more muscle on that side and that it wasn't of any concern to her. She felt for my liver, spleen, stomach, etc and said everything felt normal. She could see the prominent side when I showed her so I know I wasn't imagining it.

I keep checking now and so want to believe her. I am so frightened that it is a tumour pushing that side of my stomach out.

If anyone has any wise words to help me calm down I would be really grateful


20-04-13, 18:16
I'll try and give you some wise words. Looking at some of your other posts you seem to have a problem with what you see as lumps on your body. Only last week it was your back. If these "lumps" really we're tumours I think it's fair to say that you would be quite seriously ill by now and by that I don't mean I think you are, just that you would be having a whole host of other symptoms and would be feeling very ill. Your doctor has checked this out along with other concerns and you need to trust that he or she is correct. I know that's hard and I know that what you see is real in your mind. I know you've had issues with your kidneys since having blood trace in your urine but that too has given no cause for concern from your doctor though I can well understand why you worry about it. It's so easy to get yourself in a tizzy about these things. I know, I've been there but I really think you have nothing to worry about. Try to relax and put it to the back of your mind and do stop checking for these lumps. Trust your doctor. You are fine.
Take care
Sal x

20-04-13, 23:05
I just wanted to say thanks for responding and for also taking the time to read my other posts. Today hasn't been great and your post has helped.

Sarah x