View Full Version : Your Stories Wanted Please :)

20-04-13, 19:07
Hi my name's Janine, I'm 29 and I suffer from anxiety, depression and OCD.

I am in my second year of a Graphic Design course at university and I must say I'm finding it a bit of a struggle as I always have found study due to my condition but I'm battling on.

Anyway :)...I'm designing an information booklet for young people about anxiety. I was wondering, if it's allowed, could some of you give me a brief account of your experiences with anxiety please as I need some case study work for the booklet. I understand some of you may feel it's too personal but thought some of you might want to share what you've been through.

It would be especially beneficial to me if you are in your teens or twenties please...also it would be nice to hear from those of you who are winning the fight against anxiety and any advice you could give others. I think it's really important that we raise awareness as I suffered for many years not knowing what on earth was wrong with me and why I seemed so different to everybody else.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. :) :)

Thanks a lot


21-04-13, 02:28
I'd be happy to answer any questions Janine. I"m a bit older, but can share stuff about what I experienced when I was younger at University and High School. Just message me.