View Full Version : citalopram/constipation

22-09-06, 13:00
I have found when Im on citalopram I get really bound up.Unless Im anxious then its the opposite.When I get really badly constipated I get awful pains,in my stomach,in my right side and pains like indigestion.
Then I start to think I have something more serious even though I know its constipation.Im scared of ending up in hospital.my mother had the same problem years ago and ended up in hospital for a week.She had loads of tests and they put it down to constipation.I couldnt believe someone could be in hospital for a week with that!!!!!!I thought she had cancer and it terrified me.Think thats why Im so anxious.Anyone else get bad constipation,tell me Im not the only one!!!!!!!:(

Ellen XX

22-09-06, 14:40
Nice subject lol but yes i do. I also believe it can be inherited and i find it can be affected by hormones. My mum always suffered until she got older and went through the menopause.
If you get bloated it also gives you indigestion type pains.
I can be skinny (!!well) one day and look 6 months pregnant the next.
Drinking warm water helps me and eating well.
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

22-09-06, 17:25
Thank you,I find drinking warm water helps to.I get really bloated to.
Thanks for replying.[8)]

Ellen XX

28-09-06, 14:37
I was told to get the bloating down to have brown rice at lunch time then after a week you can add meat to the rice and my bloating really did reduce. And have salad.

My fav is cooking chicken breast in a honey and lemon sauce - makes the dull rice a little tasy

20-12-10, 19:50
hiya im 21 and taking citalopram im just wondering if anyone has had this along with panic attacks. ive had this twice i have really sore stomach cramps and i know im constipated but the pain has me on the floor and lasting for about half an hour and my body suddenyl goes mental i start to tingle all over and sweat buckets i end up having a panic attack, which ive had for years but never this severe. lol its so terrifying but silly knowing im constipated. i dont feel panicky about it at all as i can feel it coming on and i know wot happening but its lyk my body is acting on its own .
sorry for the rant so hard to describe

hoping for a reply :)
