View Full Version : Getting tired

21-04-13, 10:56
like a lot of people on this forum, I'm in a bad way. I don't see a way out of this. I think this is it for me. My anxiety started overnight a few months ago. Since then the quality of my life has plummeted and the simple things are now virtually impossible and I am a mere shadow of my former self.

Been on lots of medication – nothing's worked (though the side-effects managed to pull through). I've had many expensive CBT sessions but they can be distilled down to 'if I behave in an anxious and depressed way, that makes everything worse. Behave as though there's nothing wrong with me'. I've gotten no-where with this.

It saddens me to my core to think this is me now. I have nothing to look forward to and I do in fact dread each day.

I know what I've written is an example of negative thinking (among other things), but I can't seem to think positive. I guess that's the depression.

Just a bit of a whinge. I'm sorry, I'm just hoping someone might give me some positive feedback.

21-04-13, 16:28
You can and will improve but you must focus on all the positive things. Even the slightest thing you manage to cope with is a positive...focus on the things you can do and not the things you can't. A very good book is Depressive Illness...The curse of the strong by Tim Cantopher.

22-04-13, 13:50
Thanks for your reply Annie0904. I shall look into that book.