View Full Version : Abit of a random post but I'm really worried and paranoid

21-04-13, 12:53
Hi guys.
I went out to a 1920s party last night and there were lots of people there. Anyway I had this fake cigarette holder and I was putting it in my mouth for photos while posing as you do.
I then dropped it on the floor a few times and as I was quite tipsy I put it back in my mouth...my friend also put it in her mouth.
I know its silly and paranoid but I'm worried I'm going to get ill or catch something now.
I always make sure I use anti bacterial handwash whenever I touch anything in public, before I touch my mouth or eat.
What do you all think?

21-04-13, 15:09
If you were going to become ill because of it, it would have happened by now. I have contamination phobia. And actually what you did was good as it challenged your thought without you realising. Too much anti bac makes us ill as we dont get our immunity

21-04-13, 17:08
Girl Afraid,
I would not worry about it. I don't think you should let anyone other than you to
use it though. I suppose you could whipe it first.
I have one-- dropped it no end of times-- not whiped it either.
never thought about it.:shrug:

21-04-13, 17:13
I think you are fine, it is just your anxious thoughts playing you up. Try not to worry about it :)

21-04-13, 17:56
If you were going to become ill because of it, it would have happened by now. I have contamination phobia. And actually what you did was good as it challenged your thought without you realising. Too much anti bac makes us ill as we dont get our immunity

I didnt realise it before but now you say it, I think I may have contamination phobia too...I am quite obsessive about touching surfaces & if I do I have to wash my hands with anti bac handwash straight away.
Im always scared I will catch something and panix excessively if I eat without washing mt hands first.