View Full Version : Talking about being on Fluoxetine.

21-04-13, 13:04
I was just wondering if you all talk about being on Prozac/Fluoxetine to people... I've been on it for 30+ days, and I only recently told one friend, who I have known for ages, and who works as a councilor.

I was taking Ritalin before, and I really didn't like how people seemed to change, when I told them I was having problems (maybe i imagined it) ... I guess I prefer people not to know, and treat me as someone who was down, but now feels better. Rather than them jumping to conclusions that I am crazy or something...

Just wondering what you guys think?

21-04-13, 14:57
to christopher t. I have been on "Fluo" 4 weeks on 20mg and now put up to 40mg. Thought when the GP put the dose up I thought I would be
feeling better, but no. anyone else know how long it usually takes or
perhaps it depends on the person. I am in th autumn of my life so perhaps
it will take longer. any suggestions plese please. thanks hopey

21-04-13, 18:57
All my close friends n family know I'm on fluox, to be honest if someone treated me differently because I'd been having a hard time I'd be inclined to not bother with them as they're very small minded.

Hopey, I'm afraid fluox takes awhile to work even longer for the side-effects to diminish nothing to do with age I don't think. Personally I didn't feel a real difference till about 10 weeks, I noticed improvements before then like improved sleep n eating but by 10 weeks I was feeling positive about recovery x x

22-04-13, 00:24
Hi Oncewassupergirl. I completely agree. I think Ritalin probably gets some bad press over here. An older close family friend, who I respected as intelligent, passed on to my family they thought I was a drug addict, and from Ritalin I would move on to other things. I was just trying to treat a problem. I think depression is pretty easy for everyone to understand though, but after what was suggested before, I decided to keep my medication habits to myself.

10 weeks sounds tough!

Hopey, I think you will find at first it's pretty normal when people raise their dose, that they get increased side affects at first, but they will start to diminish, how long depends on the person.

22-04-13, 04:27
But I have to say I really appreciate this forum, as I don't feel comfortable talking many things with people I know, or even the doctors, I've met. Anyway it's definitely a helpful outlet and resource.

22-04-13, 11:03
In that case Chris, I'm turning my 12 year old son into a drug addict as he is on Ritalin haha! Some peoples ignorance amazes me!
I completely agree about the forum though, although I have a lot of people I discuss my anxiety etc with its not the same as people who actually understand it like they don on here x x

22-04-13, 12:50
Haha. Yeah, it's silly. If only they knew how much less of a struggle it would have been if I had Ritalin in School , University etc.

Yeah, it's good seeing different people, from different walks of life, with similar experiences coming together.

I guess I talk about anxiety sometimes, I don't like to though. I just want to get it over with, and be more socially consistent.