View Full Version : New member - My Story

21-04-13, 13:04
Hi , i am a new member on here and i hope many of you can relate to my story. I am Joe and im 20, The reason i have signed up here is because i am yet to meet anybody or speak to anybody with the same anxiety disorder as me , simply put , nobody who hasnt got a disorder like this knows what it is like or understands the day to day struggle we have.

I have given up trying to explain what i was born with to any of my close family or the very few friends that i have so i have bottled it up and hid it away from them and just smile and carry on when around them, but inside , i feel the pain every day and have great amount of fear about most things in life. I have constant anxiety and find myself worrying about something 24/7.

I was initially diagnosed with Generalized anxiety disorder in december 2009 after a string of visits to my gp about my anxiety which was manifested itself as health anxiety, social anxiety ,agoraphobia and a string of extremely frightful panic attacks , i was 17 at this time but i had experienced anxiety for as long as i could remember which led my GP (who is excellent and hugely understanding) to believe that i had this anxiety disorder from birth , which i agree with.

I was then put on citalopram due to how desperate i was and i saw a huge improvement in a short space of time , although it had helped me , the citalopram gave me a false sense of confidence and i began to have a careless attitude , i was going out drinking , making FALSE friends with lots of people and getting into trouble , which is nothing like me at all , i was on citalopram for 20 months and i believe that it was the wrong thing to do , it was a spur of the moment thing and should have been further thought through with my gp , but at the time i was extremely desperate and wanted a quick solution to a long term problem.

When i came off citalopram in november 2011 i was ok for 2 months but then saw a decline in my confidence and the anxiety slowly weened its way back into my life , as it came back i withdrew myself from the social pipeline and went back as off april 2012 i was back to where i was before , no friends , no confidence , unable to trust anyone and a loathing for the social scene.

Despite my anxiety , my main hobby is boxing and i have been a boxer for 4 years , this lessens the effects of my anxiety while i am training but it isnt enough ,i am very fit and i also have a good job whilst studying sport and have a lot to be happy about in life , but this just proves that anxiety is an illness and not something we can just snap out of.

Over the last 6 months my anxiety has gotten worse and it has mostly manifested itself as health anxiety , i have managed to dignose myself with nearly every known serious illness in the last 6 month due to slight symptoms , and it has also shown up as social anxiety and i havnt been out for 6 months , i am now back to how i was before and the only escape i get is in the boxing gym , i hope you sympathise with my story and can help me , thankyou very much for reading ,

Joe x

21-04-13, 13:16
Hi Joe,

A big welcome to the site, theres a great little community on here and I'm sure you'll find lots of support and advice. Remember that you are not alone, we're all in the same position here in one way or another. I have social anxiety and like you I bottle up my feelings and hide them from my friends and family. I feel like I wear a mask most of the time, a mask of smiles and 'I'm ok's'. Its tiring.

Wishing you the very best
Hannah :)

21-04-13, 13:32
thankyou for replying :), im starting to get fed up of it all now , waiting to start CBT , never taking medication again i dont think , Joe.

21-04-13, 16:51
Hi Lifesfighter92


Great name and that is what you are a fighter. Good to hear you are going for CBT. Medication is OK if you want to mask the problem but CBT I have heard tackles the route problem.

Your mind is running riot and needs controlling. CBT will help you understand why you have certain thoughts and how to put them in perspective.

As a boxer you will understand discipline and therefore with a little expert help you will be able to discipline your mind and will be back on top form before you know it.

Go for it and kick ass.

Good luck.


21-04-13, 16:52
I've heard lots of great things about CBT so hopefully that will be a real help to you. I'm hoping to do CBT myself. I know its not easy but things will get better, we just have to give it time.

All the Best
Hannah :)

21-04-13, 16:54
Hi Joe. Welcome to the merry band of worriers!! LOL. Been there, got the t-shirt, done the film and got the hardback book, oh and the key-ring lol. Seriously, I can relate to it all, but I never accepted mine was due to something in my head.

It's my little hobby-horse but after 35 years of being ill I found out (by chance) that I probably have Coeliac disease which can play havoc with your body. This is a genetically passed auto immune disease that means your body attacks your gut when presented with Gluten which is found in wheat, rye and barley.

You can get an accurate self-test kit for £20 from Boots. If it comes back positive show your doctor and get a proper test. Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP EATING BREAD OR CAKE as you'll get a false positive reading.

Do you ever suddenly go weak or tremble? Sweating and heart pounding? Feel weak if you're late for a meal? Will explain more when you answer.

Hope you feel better

21-04-13, 17:19
Thankyou all for replying I really appreciate it - Shakey1961 , thankyou for your feedback , I have been tested recently for celiac by my doctor twice in the last 2 years with one being very recent , they were both negative , I don't eat wheat or dairy anyway , simply because they aren't actually good for you at all although many people believe to the contrary, they trigger excessive mucus production. I was born with Generalized anxiety disorder , I have been in denial but I have come to accept what I have , I know I can overcome it that's why I came to you guys to talk to you , the only things that are getting me out of the house are my training and sports science studying , otherwise I have no friends who I trust that are my age. I was often seen as an easy target at school and this has sort of led me to dislike people of my age ,I am a good person , I often wonder why I was given my anxiety disorder, I strongly believe in God and that he only tests every man as much as he can take , does that mean that in the eyes of God we are all Braver and stronger than everybody else because the battle of anxiety we fight each day , Thankyou x

21-04-13, 17:37

It is hard to explain why the mind acts as it does, all I know is if you do not keep it under control it has the habit of wandering off. That is all that has happened to you. For what ever reason in your life you have lost ( temporarily ) the ability to have rational thoughts. You have allowed your mind to twist and distort even positive thoughts into something negative. Most of us on this site are experiencing exactly the same thing. If we knew why we would change it.

That is why most of us will require some expert help in re-educating our minds. Do not however for one moment think you have lost or losing your mind because you are not. Its just gone on holiday. Sooner or later it has to come back. There is no stigma in seeking help.

Just think when you come through this treat it as another string to your bow because if you come across someone feeling as you do you will know how to react.

Take care


21-04-13, 18:38
Thanks Ed , for as long as I have known , I have been unable to trust people and I have never had many friends , I lose my temper very easily when people joke about me with others , its almost like I have a very fragile fight or flight system and I always have done , this surely is more than just my mind going on holiday and possible more of a chemical balance thing, Joe

21-04-13, 21:04
Hi Joe

Sounds complicated. You will always be in our thoughts. You have friends here who would never laugh or joke about you.

Keep us posted.

We care.

See you.


21-04-13, 21:18
Thanks very much Ed , Joe

21-04-13, 21:34
Hi Joe,

Welcome and I also suffer health and social anxiety and it helps to know we are not alone fighting these anxiety disorders.
