View Full Version : Me again...Constant sinus infection/ear issues

21-04-13, 18:33
Well for a few years now I have suffered sinus and ear infections.
This past week or so has been particularly bad. It started off as a sinus infection, turned into an ear issue and now throat.
I don't know what is going on with me. I have been to the doctors last time and saw the nurse. She looked in my ear & said there wasn't much she could see. But there was mucous round my eardrum causing pains.
Apparentley there isn't much they can do for sinus infections unless they are very bad but of course im thinking the worst i.e. Cancer

21-04-13, 19:00
Hiya, what symptoms do you get with sinus problems?

21-04-13, 19:32
Pain around face, bunged up nose, sore throat, headaches, pressure round the eyes,.blood stained snot

21-04-13, 20:36
Oh dear not nice, do you get any lightheaded ness or dizzy with it?

21-04-13, 20:47
Sometimes. Not often.
Do you think I should go to GP?

21-04-13, 21:22
I think you answer your own question, you seem to already know what it is that's wrong with you. But only you can decide that one.x

22-04-13, 03:30
I feel your pain because I am having the worst sinus and ear issues lately. My pain gets so bad that it feels like my whole head is being crushed. Today I actually threw up because it made me so dizzy and sick. All allergies and sinus problems, unfortunately :(

Do you take anything for them? I have Allegra and Flonase (nasal spray) but couldn't even take anything today because I felt so gross from sinuses. xoxo I hope you feel better soon!

28-04-13, 18:05
I have dreadful sinus problem too and it's really freaking me out. Have had loads of antibiotics but can't shift it so now I am in extreme panic mode. Had a tooth extraction and it seems to have followed on from that, though I was a bit sinusy before. Under my cheek (along where the gums run) into my ear is where my problem is. Terrified of going to the doctors again as I know he will refer me and I fear the worse, always. Have complete phobia about anything medical. Just want to feel well again and start enjoying life. This has been going on for ages.

---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

PS. It feels blocked and puffy but doesn't actually look swollen.

28-04-13, 19:15
Anxiety, Definitely. I used to get all that really bad as well. Do you smoke? I noticed when I stopped smoking that it made my symptoms a lot easier to deal with.