View Full Version : Health anxiety sufferer and newcomer

21-04-13, 21:36
Hello everyone :blush: - I am a widowed single parent with a fourteen year old son. My partner died when my son was 5 and ever since then I have suffered from health anxiety. Not longer after my best friend and mother died of cancer which sent me into a spin.

I have been on seroxat, zoplicone and most recently citalopram (which do not work).

Somedays - such as today, I feel as if I am actually going mad. I too have been for mamograms, ultrasounds, ecg's, x-ray's for real or imagined illness. Most of them have led to nothing. The only real ailment being a cyst on my breast which had to be monitored for a few months. But the last couple of days I have noticed a lump in my mouth - in fact the whole side seems a bit lumpy some soft some firm and one very hard that feels like piece of bone growing. I know I clench my teeth due to anxiety but i don't know if this is the cause. I know I must go to the dentist and check this out but the fear is sending me into a panic that I can't control. My real fear is leaving my son alone - orphaned. It's haunted me for the last eight years and I will never stop worrying so will my fears ever go.? This new health issue has had me curled up under the duvet today and I actually took a day off work friday because I'm so stressed out.

21-04-13, 21:41
Hi Georgie :welcome:
You have found the perfect place for support and advice here. I am sure it will help you.

It sounds like you have been through a lot so its not surprising that you are feeling the way you do. I hope things get better for you soon :hugs:

21-04-13, 22:03
Thanks Becksie, I often come on a as a non-member and I thought I need to be a member to show my support and find ways through interaction to overcome this terrible illness of health anxiety.

21-04-13, 22:56
I was the same way Georgie, just visited this site every now and again but since joining this place is really helping me. I was amazed to realise I wasn't alone and so many people have the same worries/symptoms as me! I have health anxiety too, I am constantly worried about different health problems but I am getting better using this site. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me :)

22-04-13, 00:36
Welcome to the forum Georgie :hugs: