View Full Version : Scared again! What do I do?

21-04-13, 22:50
Hi everyone.

So I've read a few of everyone's threads and one I read is upper back pain and linked it to the lungs, well I have upper back pain sometimes, so now I'm worrying about that. I have had this scare once before or twice I'm not going to google cause then ill really panic, I used to be a smoker and when I smoked I had pain in my lungs so that was a big reason I quit. I did go to see a doctor didn't get chest x-rays but the doctor did check my lungs and said they were fine. Now I'm worried again. I am getting a lot of blood work done tomorrow for other things, so I guess see how that works out. Anyone have some advise? Please!

22-04-13, 03:32
I get pain there all the time, and sometimes in my jaw and chest too. Try a heating pad and see if it goes away--might very well be muscular. I use a sock filled with rice, heated for 2 minutes. Works a charm. I had several chest x-rays and they were clear, so doctors basically gave up. Good luck and don't forget to mention it to your doctor just in case!

22-04-13, 04:05
Yeah I think it's muscular as well!

22-04-13, 06:00
Almost certainly muscular, especially if you are prone to anxiety. We hold a lot of tension in our muscles, especially around the shoulders and neck. A wheat pack or "rice sock" is a great idea. Or try getting a professional massage - does wonders for back pain.

22-04-13, 08:29
Thanks Lilharry. It's feeling better right now.