View Full Version : Please help... emet and family members sick!!

22-04-13, 01:05
(Apology in advance - this is very long but I need to vent!)

Hi Everyone, I'm new here. I have anxiety and panic attacks and I'm extremely emetophobic where I am constantly having panic attacks and it basically ruins my life sometimes. I just want to feel "normal" and enjoy things in life without having to worry. I'm 23, F, have a good job, I would say I'm highly functioning but then I'm an Emet and have an anxiety disorder. I think it started because I was always sick as a kid, and I vividly remember a time where my parents had plans to go to this concert and my brother and I were sick and they couldn't go and you could just tell how disappointed they were but being good parents they had to do what they had to do and take care of us. I can't go anywhere without worrying about V*, I avoid large crowds and good luck getting me to go to the mall or any place fun during noro season. If I just hear someone say the words "stomach ache" I turn green and have a panic attack.

Anyway, I was hoping you could give me some feedback as I am super panicking and literally don't want to leave my room as pathetic as that sounds. My boyfriend and my brother went out to lunch/dinner together yesterday around 4:30 PM. Both ate the same thing. Boyfriend came back home, spent time with me, my brother then went out to eat AGAIN (unexpectedly) with his girlfriend. Brother came home a little after midnight complaining of a stomach ache, and then was in the bathroom for a while. I was panicking, as usual, but I figure that my brother has a pretty crappy stomach and that he probably drank too much (he's 20) and was trying to tell myself not to worry. Somewhere between 12:30 and 4:30 AM he began V and of course it woke me up, and I could not get back to sleep. I heard him talking to my dad and my brother swore it was something he ate...Although he did eat at 3 restaurants yesterday, I ate at one of the same restaurants as my brother as did my mom and dad, and neither of us got sick, **yet.** So, around 5 AM, I texted my boyfriend who was still over my house sleeping in another room. Because I was panicking, I texted my boyfriend saying that my brother thinks he got food poisoning and I'm panicking because I know he is getting sick a few rooms over and I can't handle it...what if it's not food poisoning but something contagious (yes, I know I sound very selfish here. But I'm TERRIFIED). My boyfriend then texts me back and says that he just got sick, V, and that he thinks it was the food that they ate at the restaurant. My boyfriend got sick a few more times (from 440 ish or so this morning). I'm sitting here panicking (and why I joined this site). Literally, there is one person "v-ing" on the first floor of my house and another on the second. I feel terrible that they are not feeling well, don't get me wrong.

Fast forward to about 10 AM when I called my grandma. SHE was also sick, D and V!! We all ate together at a restaurant on Friday night, and she swears that it was that restaurant that made them all sick. I ate there with my grandma, brother and boyfriend and I'm panicking so bad. At this point, I can't tell if they had food poisoning, or if they have a nasty virus.

So my questions for you all ... do you think the fact that my boyfriend and brother got sick within hours/close to the same time of each other could indicate food poisoning? Or is it more likely that they have something like noro, that is contagious, now that you throw my grandma into the mix? Of course, not to be TMI, my boyfriend and I were kissing last night only a few hours before his getting sick, so I'm REALLY freaking out that if it is noro I'll be next. Of course, as an emetophobe, if there was ANY indication that he was feeling stomach sick I would not have gone near him with a 10 foot pole and would have asked him to go home...hahah but I'm sure you all know the feeling and what I mean. My poor brother seems to have it REALLY bad... he does not think he's ever been this sick in his life. I did have food poisoning in college, when I was 18/19 5 or so years ago and it was HELL, so I can sympathize.

What should I do? Are there any precautions I can take if it IS norovirus? Definitely washing my hands, keeping them out of my mouth, red wet ones wipes (lol), and I'm not using either of the bathrooms or my toiletries/beauty products in them. I know this sounds extreme, but I hope you all understand. Also, am going to eat very light (if almost nothing) just in case. I am starting to feel a little gassy but also extremely hungry, because I have been eating light all day. So, Im also panicking because I can't tell if my gassy stomach could be from a virus or not eating too much today.

Please, any advice, comments, or anything really would be appreciated. Just don't be mean... I can't handle any more anxiety right now hahaha.

Thank you all for reading :-)

22-04-13, 05:34
Hi Kitty, that sounds awful, I really feel for you! I know exactly where you're coming from as i'm exactly the same whenever anyone is sick. It does sound more like food poisoning than noro to me, since it's all occurred within 48 hours of eating out at the restaurant. Did you all order the same thing? If it is from the restaurant you went to with your grandma, brother and boyfriend you may be okay if you ordered something completely different from them. The fact that you're not sick yet when all three of them already are is a very good sign that you should be okay. I think you're taking all the right precautions, using hand sanitiser etc. You should try to eat at least something as not eating can also make you feel ill. I hope you're alright, do keep us updated on how things are going. Best wishes to you! :)