View Full Version : Ear and throat issue

22-04-13, 10:56
For nearly 2 weeks my right ear has felt blocked and painful and the right side of my throat really dry and feels weird when I swallow, like there is a hair or something at the back of throat.

I went to drs last week she had a look and said it was completely blocked with wax and to put drops in and have it syringed. A few days after using the drops a load of wax came out in shower. No change in the blocked feeling so I assumed there must be a load more wax in there. Went to have ear syringed this morning and nurse said all wax was gone but eardrum, looked a bit red so she made me an appt with the duty Dr. - Just seen dr who said there is no sign of infection but that my Eustachian tube looks blocked and to take sudafed. I this doesn't work I have to go back and they will try something else.

My question is, is it normal to have the one sided throat symptom with this - its not sore as such just uncomfortable and makes me feel like something is stuck there on the same side as my blocked ear. Its really annoying and I can't remember what it feels like to swallow normally.



22-04-13, 19:25
I am experiencing this now, on a massive level. Have you tried hot steam, menthol rub, or even putting a warm compress on your ear? That helps me somewhat. Right now my sinus pressure is at a 15 out of 10--so bad I threw up last night--so I'm beyond helping until it calms down on its own.

22-04-13, 20:21
hi mogwog, i have the exact same symptoms. one sided throat pain and ear hurts when i swallow, i have allergies also so maybe yours could be down to that? its such a worry though as you automatically think the worst :-( xx

23-04-13, 10:55
Thanks for the replies and sorry you are both experiencing similar - its horrid. I am beginning to wonder if it is caused by allergies too - I seem to have post nasal drip too so maybe that irritated my throat. I am trying not to get worked up but its been like this for 12 days now and obviously I am here because I have Health Anxiety.

I tried a neti pot (nasal irrigation) but that just irritated throat even more.

Any more advice/experiences would be more than welcome.



20-05-13, 11:34
Still have the same problem - have been back to the drs and she gave me antibiotics to try but I don't think its an infection as the antibiotics have done nothing.

Anyone else still suffering or have experienced similar?

17-06-13, 20:30
Hey, sorry to butt in late, but I didn't want to waste peoples time with another entry. I've been getting something like this, I think. There's a hard, painful lump sensation on the right side of my throat, near the back, edging towards where the throat joins the ear. Sometimes it's very painful and is a little swollen. This has been going on and off for a year. Maybe we have something similar?

I'm not too worried because I had an ultrasound on my neck and a blood test months ago for utterly unrelated issues, and I got a bit of this even before then, so if there was anything going on, they'd probably have noticed. I've never had allergies but I can't help but notice this is happening again in SUMMER, so maybe it is connected to that?

I have this really annoying tmi habit of sticking my hair in my ears, too. I've done that all my life and now I'm 26, so that can't have helped. :/

24-07-13, 16:30
Wow, this sounds so like me. I have had this same kind of issue many times over the last 20 or so years and it clears-up on its own but every time I freak out about it. It’s happening right now and has been for a couple of weeks or so and I’m terrified to go to the doctor, but my girlfriend thinks I should. I would love to hear from anyone else who as this issue.

It starts as a feeling of like a hair stuck in the back of my throat, like right where the sinus ends. Right side 99% of the time. Then I can’t stop tonguing at it and I think that makes it worse. Sometimes if I just have to swallow (not eating or drinking) I get a little twinge of pain and then a burst of dread. “What is it? Why won’t it go away?” . Again any insight or relatedness would help.


24-07-13, 17:11
Sorry you are suffering this too. Mine has gone now but it took 8 weeks maybe longer. I still have no idea what it was . Hope you are better soon.xxxxxx

22-09-13, 12:22
Eurgh I spoke too soon, it's back I've got a drs appt tomorrow morning as I'm sick of it. It feels like it's coming from where my nose meets my throat. I'm scared though as I have a fear of vomiting and gagging and have read that other people with this have had cameras up their nose to look at their throat. Hopefully I might go a day or perhaps even a week without worrying about something!!!!!