View Full Version : forgotten what 'normal' feels like!

22-04-13, 11:13
hi everyone, I'm new to this site as a member but have visited regularly over the last 3 months whilst living with daily HA!

I've always had health anxiety and been a hypochondriac but never experienced ongoing symptoms from anxiety. This time I've had it all- dizziness, off balance, feeling spacey/not quite there, muscle buzzing, twitching, tightness, sensitive to light, constant lower back pain etc etc etc (I won't bore you). I basically convinced myself (as we do) that I had MS or worse and literally let this fear consume me to the extent that I was a TOTAL state.

My fear was out of control, I was crying all the time, constantly googling, couldn't look at my children without breaking down at the thought of not being there for them, putting my marriage under HUGE pressure and depending on my own parents.

I've seen countless GP's who all said it was anxiety and even saw a nuerologist privately (GP wouldn't refer) who said I was fine nuerologically. I was doing much better after that for a couple of weeks but recently the HA has been sneaking back in...

Every time I get a buzzing in my foot, feel spacey or can't think clearly or even feel that I have a hand tremor, it sends me into a panic! When oh when will I just be able to ignore this and get on with my life? Will these weird sensations ever leave me? It's as though the HA programme is constantly running in my mind whatever I'm doing! I feel so miserable and lifeless and feel so envious of others who don't feel like this. I tell myself I'm being stupid but the other part of me thinks what if? what if? I just want to feel normal again!!

22-04-13, 11:31
"Every time I get a buzzing in my foot, feel spacey or can't think clearly or even feel that I have a hand tremor"

I've had all of those and more - mostly I ignore them as temporary (which they always have been).

Anxiety symptoms often mimic a neurological disease. This is is good, because there is no hurry to diagnose, no prize for an early diagnosis. In my case, the symptoms have always gone as mysteriously as they came.

22-04-13, 19:22
I know exactly how you feel. I've started trying to tell myself, "Our bodies are machines. Of course there are going to be disturbances here and there. Our muscles spasm, our nerves react, our bodies are what they are. We react to food, water, sleep (or lack thereof), being pinched, and so on. Normal!" Then some other symptom usually comes up which I focus on instead. Heh ;) Whenever I'd complain of a headache to my grandpa, he'd say, "Want me to step on your foot? Your head won't hurt anymore!" I guess it's kind of like that.

22-04-13, 19:32
I totally get what u think - had all those symptoms too!- after I've ruled out the serious stuff or the doc has, I give up and I'm just guna have to stop thinking so negatively and live life for now - forget about tomorrow!!!
U'll b fine babe x