View Full Version : URGENT Eaten raw pork

Anxiety Jim
22-04-13, 13:20

I've just had my lunch and eaten my way through an ASDA 22 piece picnic mix of cocktail sausages, sausage rolls, and scotch eggs.

And it's only after I've eaten them I read they have to be cooked! I've never had to cook cocktail sausages before, but thinking about it the sausage rolls were very soft.

I've been trying to make myself throw up for the last 10 minutes but can't seem to, not even salt water helped.

Anyone know what I should do? Should I ring my doctor?

The meat wasn't pink, but it didn't taste right either.

Help please? I'm panicking.

22-04-13, 13:29
Nothing bad will happen.

At worse, you will be sick or have a tummy upset.

You won't DIE! You won't get some HORRIBLE DISEASE.

What on earth is the worst thing that can happen??

Anxiety Jim
22-04-13, 13:43
Stupidly I just googled it and on the dailymail website there's an article about a guy who ate raw pork and nearly died and was in hospital for 5 months,

still can't make myself throw up :-(

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

I've gone into a full blown panic.

I ate the WHOLE PACKET 6 sausage rolls, 6 scotch eggs and 10 cocktail sausages, and I didn't cook any of it.

I'm morbidly obese too, so if I get ill and go into hospital I'm probably going to die :-(

22-04-13, 13:46
cocktail sausages in packs like that are NOT raw!!

The cooking instructions are ONLY if you want to eat them hot.

There would NOT be raw meat in with a pack of sausage rolls and scotch eggs.

I HAVE eaten packs like that before and they are NOT raw!

Making yourself sick is NOT a good idea, you should never do that it would do more harm than good.

22-04-13, 13:47
Not sure I can help you apart from betting you every penny I have that nothing bad is going to happen to you.

I've eaten raw sausages before as stupid college dares etc.

If you're concerned about being morbidly obese, why are you consuming a whole packet of 6 sausage rolls, 6 scotch eggs and 10 cocktail sausages??

Surely a health anxious person would not want to harm themselves even further by eating such foods in such amounts?

That's off topic though.

You will be fine.

Anxiety Jim
22-04-13, 13:50
I assumed they were cooked that why I ate them.

But they don't have the usual 'ready to eat' printed on the packet anywhere. And in the cooking instructions it says place everything on a baking tray and cook at 200C for 12 minutes.

I keep thinking that everything there was raw, and I didn't cook any of it :-(

I'm starting to get the urge to run off to a+e, but embarrassment is holding me back so far.

Also all the heaving from trying to make myself through up has given me chest pain. Probably pulled a muscle or something.


22-04-13, 14:00
Yeah don't go to A and E. By the time you've got down there and been pushed to the very back of the queue for such a non medical emergency, the food will be half way through your bowels.

They won't do anything. If you're that concerned then call NHS direct.

I must echo though, if someone as health anxious as you is THAT concerned about eating raw pork and are morbidly obese, why are you not the least bit concerned about eating such terrible foods in large quantities?

Eating less red meat, salt and fat (which is abundant in what you've just eaten) is going to do NOTHING for your state of health or mind.

Swapping these foods with fresh fruits and vegetables, will help you lose weight and feel better. If you're morbidly obese, and are eating those sorts of foods in that sort of quantity, then you are surely heading down a very dangerous path of some horrible diseases and conditions that really would be a reason to be anxious about.

I'm not judging at all. I just feel that if I can convince you to eat less rubbish and eat healthier, then I could very well be saving your life. I would be FAR more concerned with what you've just eaten than raw pork. I'd rather eat one raw sausage than what you've just eaten.

22-04-13, 14:02
Sorry the picture is so big but again these are DEFINITELY cooked!!

the cooking instructions are only if you want to eat them HOT!


22-04-13, 14:04
Eating raw pork USED to be a much bigger deal in terms of food hygene, I am 100% with Steve that you will certainly be OK and there is nothing to worry about. Refridgeration and farm hygene are millions of times better than when raw pork was a real risk.

It is best practice to follow cooking instructions, but don't forget these guys are covering themselves and so all the wording is super-cautious.

When I was little my nan used to let me chew raw bacon rind as a treat. :ohmy::ohmy:

I would be more worried about all the saturated fats in that little lot Jim (I am over partial to processed pork products myself, in fact I just had a rather nice Cornish Pasty for lunch :blush: yes yes yes I knopw that is beef or lamb not pork.)

Anyway back on topic you'll be fine Jim but what about a nice salad tomorrow.

---------- Post added at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

Sorry the picture is so big but again these are DEFINITELY cooked!!

the cooking instructions are only if you want to eat them HOT!

Good point No-one (I repeat no-one) would ever heat up a scotch egg, unless they were certifiable nuts. :roflmao:

22-04-13, 14:13
From that picture they are obviously cooked. When have you seen an uncooked sausage that looked like that?

The scotch eggs and sausage rolls are also cooked because, well, they're scotch eggs and sausage rolls. They've been cooked and had breadcrumbs put around them and pastry in the case of the scotch eggs.

They are meant to be picked up off the shelf and taken to a picnic, hence the name. Nearly all of those foods can be eaten hot or cold. Cocktail sausages taste better cold, I say.

Nothing here is raw and nothing here will harm you. Heaving and trying to make yourself sick might harm you. Drinking salty water and an entire box of sausage rolls, scotch eggs and sausage rolls when you're obese is, however, causing harm. Relax!

22-04-13, 14:21
Yup they are fine to eat like that or you can warm them up - warm them not cook them - they are already cooked

Anxiety Jim
22-04-13, 15:27
Thanks everyone for your advice. You've all calmed me down a little. Still quite worried though.

Thanks everyone.

22-04-13, 15:57
Hi Jim,

I had the same panic about chicken once, thought it tasted a bit strange and then noticed instructions for heating despite it being in the ready cooked section it didn't say that on the packet so I freaked out a bit lol.

Am sure what you've eaten is fine to eat without cooking, they just add the instructions for eating if you want to eat them hot. If you want to make sure why not go back to the shop and ask a member of staff just for peace of mind??

22-04-13, 16:26
I eaten cocktail sausage like this before already cooked.

22-04-13, 18:21
I have ate these before n i have been fine x

Anxiety Jim
22-04-13, 20:01
I've just had a thought that's calmed me down a little more. I got it from the 'cooked meats' isle. ha ha.