View Full Version : Work from home?

22-04-13, 15:06
Hello all, I'm just wondering if anybody knows of reputable companies, or any opportunities, that allow you to work from home? I'm agoraphobic and really fed up of having to rely on benefits and, now, being told I need to start attending interviews or I will loose benefits :(
Thanks in advance

27-04-13, 01:44
I really wish I knew the answer to this too, if there was a solution it would help/change so many lives.

I've looked for years, and never found anyone that had a job I could do at home or in my local area. I've had companies call me basically lazy even though I explained that I just couldn't work in a busy office of some 10th floor, (nightmare for me).

I have wanted to start some sort of online company or invent something, anything! But so far have drawn a blank. I am trying a course further a field but not finding it easy at all.

I do hope we all find an answer.

27-04-13, 11:12
As Jamie has suggested one possibility is to start your own business and work from home. The hard part is deciding what to do, however. Selling things online (Ebay) is one way to get started small and get some extra income. A friend of mine buys stuff from car boot sales and charity shops and sells it on Ebay and makes some nice money from it. Personally, I run an internet based business which is home based though I do go out here and there to see clients and do other freelance work.

I know self employment is not the same as paid employment, but it's worth thinking about. However one word of caution is that unless you find the next "big thing" self employment means not a lot of income to start with so you'd need to discuss the implications regarding your benefits.

27-04-13, 11:18
I have worked from home for nearly thirty years and even when living in Spain for 12 years many of my clients didn't even know that I wasn't actually in England.

Anyone who has an idea on working from home for themselves feel free to contact me stating what field you would like to persue.

I have always found that is not what you know but who you know.

27-04-13, 13:02
I found a website this week about being a social entrepreneur.