View Full Version : Worried about my young son

22-04-13, 17:08
Well I have been ok for months now, the HA was almost non existent but now I'm in panic mode againMy 4 year old has been saying his tummy hurts for over a month now (not constantly over that time)
Initially I took him to Drs twice and lap the out of hours dr who put it down to mesentric adenitis (inflamed lymph nodes in abdomen)
This why away after a few days but now seems to be back

Anyway, took son to Drs today as he is still saying it hurts (even though he doesn't cry or seem to be in pain) dr checked him over and said he couldn't find anything wrong but has ordered a blood test just to he sure
So now I'm in total panic mode that they might find something like lymphoma, I took him to pathology today and it didnt go well so he has to wait for a paediatric blood test at the childrens unit

I'm so so worried : (