View Full Version : Colonoscopy results - Polyp

22-04-13, 17:17
Hello all,

Some of you might have been following my stomach related posts for a while. Since October I've been feeling ill / nauseous and struggling with my weight (I'm naturally very thin and lose weight easily when stressed)

I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy today.

He said everything look everything looked normal.

He said they found one polyp which he wasn't bothered by, but was sending for biopsy. He said before the tests if he found any polyps during the tests they would be removed as they can turn nasty.

On my notes he's written "Polyps: benign sessile" and "Otherwise normal"

I asked him afterwards if there was anything sinister and he said "no, nothing sinister at all" but all the stuff I can find online says "sessile" are more likely to be malignant, so, naturally I'm terrified!

The fact he wrote "benign" in the notes suggest he knows what to be looking for with cancers etc, but I'm still concerned.

Basically, has anyone else had similar and it turned out ok?

He said it was small, and said it was probably co-incidental and not what's causing my symptoms and that it looks like an IBS diagnosis, but I'm still not feeling great.

Any words of advice would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading

Chris x

22-04-13, 18:59
my friends wife is a colonoscopy nurse and she told me that if there was anything to worry about they would tell you afterwards. i would not worry and stop googling.

22-04-13, 19:11
Thank you for your reply.

I'm trying to stay positive and not think about it. Will just try and distract myself waiting for the results.

Thanks again!
Chris x

22-04-13, 19:15
My aunt had a colonoscopy done a few years ago and they found "lots" of polyps, which they removed at the time. They were all benign and it wasn't a big deal. The doctor did tell her that everyone else in the family over 30 should have a colonoscopy done, though. Hopefully I'll "conveniently" forget that in six years! ;) I agree that if there were any issue at all, they would have told you there. It'd be a total liability if they let you go without warning you of problems first.

Glad everything else turned out normal--more stuff ruled out, easier to narrow down the problem, right?

22-04-13, 19:18
If you are anything like me you wont stop worrying until results are in. But please try, the docs are dealing with this everyday and they know by looking at polyps whether they are cancerous. If he says no, then try and take his word for it.
I got a ultra sound when I was in pain and a lump showed up, then I was sent for ct scan and doctors agreed it was a simple fatty lump. That was last year. Trust the docs.
Take care

22-04-13, 19:42
Thank you both for the replies.

Good to know that it's unlikely to be any reason to worry. I still will a bit of course, I don't think I'll ever be able to just relax after a test, but, I guess they wouldn't risk saying it was benign if they had any doubts.

It's done now at least, and if it's small it's obviously not grown if it was anything serious.

Will let you know the results! Thanks again
