View Full Version : Newbie...

22-04-13, 18:40
Hi All, I am new to this site (and also forums so lets hope this posts) have been an anxiety sufferer for a few years now and until seeing this site felt like I was the only one feeling like I was going crazy... I wish it wasn't so but its nice to know I'm not alone!! I'm going to try and navigate my way round the site and hope to get some help!!! I THINK I am suffering from GAD maybe slight OCD but I'm no doc so shouldn't really analyse myself... Will be nice to make some friends that can help me stop feeling like I'm gonna crack up.....!!! :0) look forward to speaking to some of you!

22-04-13, 19:47
Hi Jayne,

A warm welcome to the site! You are certainly not alone :). Theres a great little community on here and I'm sure that you will find lots of comfort and support.

Wishing you the very Best

22-04-13, 22:51
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

23-04-13, 09:14
Hi Jayne


Do not try and self diagnose.

Those of us who suffer anxiety tend to make things worse when we search for answers on the net. We read something and instantly think that's what we have and before you know it we have a string of problems when in reality we do not. We are not dying, We are not having a heart attack and we are not going crazy. We only think we are.

Anxiety causes the mind to twist positive thoughts into negative ones. No matter how hard to try to find something positive your mind will always reason against it.

Go to your doctor and explain your feelings he/she may suggest Cognitive Therapy. This is a system that analyses your thought process and tries to understand the reasoning behind your negative thoughts. It then tries to turn them back into positive ones' It can be a lengthy process because the mind is a very powerful thing and once set in its ways is difficult to change.

Hope this helps.

Stay on the site.

Best wishes.


23-04-13, 11:28
Hi Jayne..........:welcome:

23-04-13, 18:30
Hello, I'm new to this site too! Just thought i'd say :welcome:

23-04-13, 19:16
Hi black cat welcome