View Full Version : Panic Attacks triggered by EMDR

22-04-13, 18:57
Hi everyone been suffering for the past few weeks from daily severe panic attacks several times a day. They started happening ever since I began a course of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Realisation) therapy for multiple phobias (balloons, general anaesthetic, dentists, needles, travelling by car). They get so bad that my breathing goes really fast, I feel faint and start getting chest pains which really scares me. The only thing that works is having a glass of wine but I don't want to turn into an alcoholic. Not keen on taking any medication due to the side effects and having to come off the tablets would make things a whole heap worse. The only tablets I take at nightime to help calm me down are co-codamol (16mg codeine) but I'm worried as these are addictive. I'm going to give St Johns Wort a try as kalms, valerian & camomile didn't work. Inhaling Olbas oil gives me some release as it is distracting. Exercise helps at the time of exercising but half an hour later the panic attacks are back. I eat a really healthy diet as I suffer from PCOS so have to stay healthy. The annoying thing is before having EMDR I rarely got panic attacks only general anxiety so I'm finding these worse than having general anxiety. Will they ever go away?

22-04-13, 20:47
Hi sorry you are feeling bad. Yes unfortunately cc-codamol is definitely addictive and coming off it will be similar to coming off a narcotic. It will be very harmful for you to take then unless prescribed for pain and then it is still difficult to withdraw from. One glass of wine if is a small glass will do you no harm. It is probably best to talk to your GP as to how you should best manage your panic attacks. I don't think that self medicating is a good idea.EJ