View Full Version : Persistent negative destructive thoughts - please stop them

22-04-13, 18:58
Does anyone else suffer from persistent negative thoughts??

Had a clear result on my blood tests today, no sign of any inflammation (doc thought I might have polymyalgia rheumatica) but thinks the aches and pain in joints are cos of being on my feet all day in my new job. Such a relief to get this result, I was delighted and felt life was worth living again and took the dog for a lovely spring walk. When I returned to the car I took a couple of swigs of water from the plastic spring water bottle in the car that I had filled earlier. Then immediately regretted it as now think I have given myself breast cancer!! This is because my mind is remembering all the issues surrounding drinking out of plastic bottles left in cars. It wasn't even warm as although the sun was shining intermittently, it was not a boiling hot day today and I only left the bottle about an hour, it even felt cool to the touch. Despite my rationing with myself, I cannot get this thought out of my head. Please help me - how do I convince myself not to worry??

15-06-13, 23:41
I don't know, I'm afraid, but you're not alone.
I have these as well, and it's miserable and utterly exhausting.
I am going to try talking to my doctor about it and will let you know how I get on.

16-06-13, 00:27
I would not worry about it, i doubt to gave your self breast cancer just because you drank from a water bottle that was in the sun for an hour. try to relax and occupy your self with something else, when i worry about cancer i tend to look up ways to prevent it and then i use the info to the max, just knowing you are taking steps to prevent cancer really helps with anxiety. I hope this helps :)

16-06-13, 00:31
I have done this much more than once so I must be high risk. Never even crossed my mind and not going to give it another thought. Not sure how to convince you as the mind is a very powerful thing, but just to know you're not alone in your obsessive thoughts.

16-06-13, 09:23
This is the problem mummyanxious, in that people can tell you and you can read facts etc etc, but your mind still tells you that it's right and everyone else is wrong.
Once you're in its grip, it's very difficult to let go. I've been having the same thoughts since Friday now. I can't get rid of them. I have rationalised, spoken to other people, looked at my previous episodes (my evidence that things don't happen) and it's not worked.
I'm exhausted.

16-06-13, 09:56
I do the very same thing. I must buy some fresh bottles of water.
I have just drank from a old bottle of water which has been upstairs since Friday.
I never gave it another thought. It has never crossed my mind that it could course
breast cancer. Is that true?