View Full Version : Since joining this Community

22-04-13, 21:21
Good Evening , I hope everyone's day has been as anxiety free as possible. I would just like to thank everyone for being part of this fantastic community which has been set up so that all sufferers of anxiety can talk about their experiences and help each other , since joining only yesterday I have been comforted and helped greatly by talking about my experience and about others experiences on this site , it is amazing what opening up can do and I have noticed in only a day that releasing the every day thoughts of anxiety to people who understand can help greatly as we battle on , by joining this site and talking about the anxiety which I have bottled up over $y life i feel like quite a big burden has been lifted from my shoulders , thank you all very much , Joe x

22-04-13, 21:25
You are so right about this site, joe. Releasing your thought and feelings makes a huge difference. I know what you mean about carrying around that burden, I'm so pleased you found this place too!

22-04-13, 21:28
I am glad it is helping you being here Joe.

We do have some lovely people here that take time to help others.

22-04-13, 21:33
It's the realisation that what you feel is normal to so many others when at times it felt it was just you!

22-04-13, 21:44
Totally agree, since using this site I have felt a lot better, just venting and sharing makes so much of a difference. Glad its helping you too :hugs:

23-04-13, 12:11
Hi Joe

Stick with this site. If talking about your anxieties gives you the briefest of relief then that is a step forward.

Just reading your latest comments above show you to be in a different frame of mind which is great news.

Talking about your feelings and thoughts on a daily basis with people who understand and care is like "flushing the C**P out of your system" ( excuse the analogy ) leaving you feeling fresh.

Good on you mate.

All the best


23-04-13, 15:54
Ed - I like what you say!